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What Has Happened To The Left?

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This is something that's been on my mind for a while. I have many family members who are clearly left wing and lots of friends who are clearly right wing so the stuff that ends up on my facebook page varies an awful lot!


What I find however is that those to the left are damn right venomous and come down heavily on anyone who has a remotely different view to theirs, even going to the extremes of wishing that the likes of Cameron, Katie Hopkins and even Jeremy Clarkson were dead!


Those on the right however are much more tolerant of those with different views and in many ways just laugh it off, normally just posting about immigration, the state of the Country, our troops etc etc.


The left wing are meant to be more caring, more liberal and less 'thuggish' but from what I see in the media, on facebook and at the various demonstrations around the Country they seem to be lacking in the very things that they preach about .... more so now the Corbyn movement has taken effect.


For me one of the problems is that they see everyone to the right of them as right wing and there just isn't no middle ground, if your not one of them your racist and that's just not right.


The voting that took place this year was the first time I have ever voted! In the past I have taken no interest in politics and held the view that it didn't matter who was in charge because my rent/council tax/water rates/ energy bills would continue to rise regardless.


But something changed with me this time and I actually found myself learning more about the local MP's and the contesters (or whatever they are called :hihi::hihi:) and started to take notice of what they were offering in regards to my own constituency and how it would effect me. Up until this year I hadn't even noticed what my friends and family thought about politics as like I said I didn't take an interest and didn't get involved. I still don't know what the real definition of left and right is!!! (don't judge me)


Whilst I was contemplating on who to vote for and what reasons I should vote for them I happened to mention this on my FB page and I couldn't believe the amounts of comments from my friends and family members and just how different peoples view were.. one of my cousins got into an actual verbal fight with another one of my cousins!! we're the same family!! couldn't believe it..


I tend to stay away from getting wrapped into a political discussion with someone, this is not for want of knowledge but as I've grown older and wiser (cough cough) I have learnt that you can't speak and listen at the same time and there will always be somebody who doesn't feel the same way as you and there's nothing you can do about that.

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Right wing supporters dont go on marches or protest in the same way, they dont need to.


I would think that in modern times there do appear to be some extreme protestors who are anti capitalist and intent on wreaking havoc or anarchy as much as they can. they seem to roam around the world hijacking whatever events they can. Whilst they might call themselves left wing I wouldnt say they are representative, just as i wouldnt say the National Front is representaive of the right.


the right dont go on marches?




Britain first


all have been on lots of marches the past few years

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Neither would I but they do profess a left wing ideology just like some of our mainstream leftwing politicians. Corbyn calls Karl Marx a hero while Alister Darling was a supporter of Trotskyist Fourth International group, to give a couple of examples.


I also do not believe the political spectrum is a flat line, its more of a circle where the most extreme of both sides come together.


But they are still raducals/ anarchists.


Calling someone a hero doesnt mean you believe or expect to implement everything they propose, but I would think Corby although the leader is considered far to the left.


Alistair darling I see was a member of that organisation before he joined the Labour party back in the 70s. Agree there are some similarities between extreme groups.


---------- Post added 10-11-2015 at 16:47 ----------


the right dont go on marches?




Britain first


all have been on lots of marches the past few years


I was thinking more in terms of mainstream as thats where the majority are. EDL are very much a fringe party. The Left wing often does marches becayse trade unuions use them as a traditional way of protesting. I dont believe Conservative supporters protest in the same way.

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So are you claiming the Nazis were in fact left wing and socialists?




For the love of god yes!


They were an extreme band of socialists.

How does anybody not know this.



The BNP are also far left. I have no idea about the EDL.


The fact that the nazis were socialists doesn't automatically mean that all socialists are evil. They have a contribution to make to the debate, and some worthy goals.

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For the love of god yes!


They were an extreme band of socialists.

How does anybody not know this.



The BNP are also far left. I have no idea about the EDL.


The fact that the nazis were socialists doesn't automatically mean that all socialists are evil. They have a contribution to make to the debate, and some worthy goals.


So do you believe they were left or right wing?

I just looked up the explanation on quora and am happy with that as its pretty insightful.

Edited by 999tigger
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So do you believe they were left or right wing?

I just looked up the explanation on quora and am happy with that as its pretty insightful.


Left and right are both collective terms for multiple ideologies.

If you want you can argue that they were not consistent with the modern "left". They're most certainly not consistent with the modern "right".


They were most definitely socialists.

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