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Starter motors on older cars in the future

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No I'm not. You couldn't be more wrong. You've made that assumption as it fits the strawman you are constructing. If you read my posts you have found that I gave you the reasons why cars ARE DIFFICULT TO WORK ON.


"...people demanded more space inside the cabin and so the engine bay got smaller... .....legislation demanding safe impact zones which constrains where components go... .environmental legislation that required sound deadening covers"


I've told you why they are difficult to work on. You cannot claim that I'm saying cars are easy to work on when I've just told you why they are not.


So why do you take this view? For the usual reason - you want to make a strawman argument....






and accuse me of working for the makers and being a shill for them.


That's an ad hominem attack Pete. That's why I rarely debate with you - because every time, EVERY time you have asked a question, you are not asking a question. You are wanting someone to validate what you think the answer is. You don't care what the truth is. You just want someone to say that your version of the truth is right.


Oh and being a moderator has nothing to do with the issue, as I've told you before on many occasions...Does being a mod remove any free thinking of my own?...Please


You are a moderator and should be rightly held to higher standards than the regular forum users. That doesn't mean you cannot have "free thinking" no matter how erroneous it may be. It does mean that you shouldn't engage in ad hominem attacks, and you shouldn't misrepresent people because y'know you are a moderator and people might assume you know what you are talking about.




No one, least of all me, is asking you to....


You do 'appear' to get easily upset...Maybe I should have added a smiley when I (allegedly) 'accused' you of being in the employ of a motor manufacturer? Don't you have a sense of humour?..The notion that I accuse you personally of being some kind of 'shill' for a motor manufacturer is clearly absurd. Why can't you take it as everyone else might and smile...It's just a flippant comment, which you've taken as a personal affront to you. It's nothing of the sort.


You say 'people' demanded more space in the cabin of cars. Who demanded? What people? I certainly didn't enter my name on any petition. Did you?


You assert because I'ma moderator that I should have higher standards than anyone else, even if my opinion are 'erroneous'...That's doing exactly what you accuse me of doing. So please don't lecture me on what I can or cannot say or think.


Straw man assertions? No, not in the least. I gave a good example of why I believe cars are specifically designed to be difficult if not impossible to work on.


Why do other posters agree with my thinking?


I don't doubt that your list of reasons why space in the engine compartment got smaller, with legislation and crumple zones etc...But that's only part of the reason. But you choose to only quote them and don't seem to be open to alternative viewpoints. You are always right, and get upset when challenged.


I strongly suspect a large portion of the viewers on this forum settle back with their feet up and popcorn in hand and enjoy the banter when you come up with these ridiculous accusations that I create straw man arguments, and I'm a moderator and should know better and most laughable, that I have some weird notion that others might think I'm right simply because I'm a moderator!


I'm afraid it's always the usual suspects who take issue with whatever I write.


But hey ho...I can laugh it off...I have a sense of humour




Back on topic.


Ok, let me ask a question of you. Is it in the motor manufacturers interests to make a car that's so simple to work on, that anyone with a basic mechanical knowledge could work on them?


---------- Post added 11-11-2015 at 14:33 ----------


At least he's off the carrier bags.:hihi::hihi:


Just joshing Peter......


Some are easier to fix than others, although why a hybrid owner thinks their car should be easy to fix I'm not sure.


Brilliant comment....:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Actually I haven't finished with that particular subject yet...I've got a cunning plan! :hihi:

Edited by PeteMorris
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You do 'appear' to get easily upset...Maybe I should have added a smiley when I (allegedly) 'accused' you of being in the employ of a motor manufacturer? Don't you have a sense of humour?..The notion that I accuse you personally of being some kind of 'shill' for a motor manufacturer is clearly absurd. Why can't you take it as everyone else might and smile...It's just a flippant comment, which you've taken as a personal affront to you. It's nothing of the sort.


You've been doing it for three years now Pete.


Comments like "sodding smart alec" "sodding knowit all" and the usual accusations of shilling for "big oil" or whatever.




All you care about is having your world view and ego stroked by people who agree with you. When people point out that you are wrong, you get all defensive and prickly and immediately go on the attack and accuse them of being in the pay of people, etc as above.


Claiming that it's just a joke doesn't wash Pete. Your comments are deeply hurtful and insulting as well you should know and I will ask you to stop it. If I take the time and effort to civilly answer your questions and then get abuse flung back in my face, I like many others will simply tell you to get stuffed in future.

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You've been doing it for three years now Pete.


Comments like "sodding smart alec" "sodding knowit all" and the usual accusations of shilling for "big oil" or whatever.




All you care about is having your world view and ego stroked by people who agree with you. When people point out that you are wrong, you get all defensive and prickly and immediately go on the attack and accuse them of being in the pay of people, etc as above.


Claiming that it's just a joke doesn't wash Pete. Your comments are deeply hurtful and insulting as well you should know and I will ask you to stop it. If I take the time and effort to civilly answer your questions and then get abuse flung back in my face, I like many others will simply tell you to get stuffed in future.


You can`t say that to a mod. Oh go on then.;)

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You say 'people' demanded more space in the cabin of cars. Who demanded? What people? I certainly didn't enter my name on any petition. Did you?




Aren't new car sales at an historic high? The manufacturers must be doing something the public likes..

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You've been doing it for three years now Pete.


Comments like "sodding smart alec" "sodding knowit all" and the usual accusations of shilling for "big oil" or whatever.




All you care about is having your world view and ego stroked by people who agree with you. When people point out that you are wrong, you get all defensive and prickly and immediately go on the attack and accuse them of being in the pay of people, etc as above.


Claiming that it's just a joke doesn't wash Pete. Your comments are deeply hurtful and insulting as well you should know and I will ask you to stop it. If I take the time and effort to civilly answer your questions and then get abuse flung back in my face, I like many others will simply tell you to get stuffed in future.


I'm sorry, but you are just being hypersensitive. You're at liberty to not say anything to me...it's your choice.. But you choose to point out my 'mistakes' at every opportunity. The difference being, I'm actually not afraid of saying what I want, and certainly not afraid of you.


Do you ever consider my feeling in the things you say to me? Yes they are sometimes 'deeply hurtful'...But I get over it! You should too. I've yet to see a thread where you've admitted to being wrong, or even considered anyone else's viewpoint. I could trawl the forum, but I can't be bothered.


---------- Post added 11-11-2015 at 15:16 ----------


Aren't new car sales at an historic high? The manufacturers must be doing something the public likes..


I'm not sure actually truman. But I'll take your word for it. I'm not surprised though. There are some beautiful new cars about.


My problem of course is that I don't buy new cars. I only ever buy second hand one's. Which is the whole point of the thread.


Having a new car, you don't have to worry about replacing worn out parts.

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I'm sorry, but you are just being hypersensitive. You're at liberty to not say anything to me...it's your choice.. But you choose to point out my 'mistakes' at every opportunity. The difference being, I'm actually not afraid of saying what I want, and certainly not afraid of you.


Do you ever consider my feeling in the things you say to me? Yes they are sometimes 'deeply hurtful'...But I get over it! You should too. I've yet to see a thread where you've admitted to being wrong, or even considered anyone else's viewpoint. I could trawl the forum, but I can't be bothered


Point being Pete, is that you ask a question. That generally means an answer.


Someone answers - and you don't like it and you get stroppy and whine about you not being a scientists and it's not fair it wasn't the answer you "expected" or wanted and people are being mean.


If you can't cope with that - don't ask the question!


Someone giving you an answer you didn't expect isn't pointing out your "mistakes" it's someone giving you an answer. There is no mistake being made - no ones looking for it.


When you dig your heels in and say we must be wrong, then you are making a mistake and we will gently say where you are wrong. You then get rather annoyed and abusive. and you do it time and time and time again......


I mean take this one... http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1061062&highlight=perpetual


by the second page you are bleating about how people must be armchair scientists just because everyone turned round and said that the video you posted was a spoof. Most people are man enough to admit they could be wrong. You - just go on the attack and call them all Walter Mittys. The same pattern is repeated time and time and time again in your posts.

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Point being Pete, is that you ask a question. That generally means an answer.


Someone answers - and you don't like it and you get stroppy and whine about you not being a scientists and it's not fair it wasn't the answer you "expected" or wanted and people are being mean.


If you can't cope with that - don't ask the question!


Someone giving you an answer you didn't expect isn't pointing out your "mistakes" it's someone giving you an answer. There is no mistake being made - no ones looking for it.


When you dig your heels in and say we must be wrong, then you are making a mistake and we will gently say where you are wrong. You then get rather annoyed and abusive. and you do it time and time and time again......


I mean take this one... http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1061062&highlight=perpetual


by the second page you are bleating about how people must be armchair scientists just because everyone turned round and said that the video you posted was a spoof. Most people are man enough to admit they could be wrong. You - just go on the attack and call them all Walter Mittys. The same pattern is repeated time and time and time again in your posts.


Any chance you could get back on topic or do you want to spend your entire time bleating about me and my insecurities?


Where exactly was my question that you so helpfully answered?


I once started a thread about 'stop start' technology and being under the impression it cost more to 'start' your car, than it cost to leave it idling. The thread went along the lines of 'modern technology being more advance'..Not true these days...etc..


Sat in traffic tonight on the way home I had a car next to me, and crawling up to a traffic island, must have 'started' it's engine about ten times in the space of less than a third of a mile...That must be incredible wear on the starter motor and flywheel...Not to mention strain on the battery.


By the time I get to buy a car with this technology, the starter will be knackered, the flywheel will be knackered and it will need a new battery.


Wait for some tech-head to refute my thinking...hahaha


I trust you'll now have another trawl through the archives to 'prove' another point. Just let it go man...Your bemoaning tactics aren't working!

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Any chance you could get back on topic or do you want to spend your entire time bleating about me and my insecurities?


No. I want you to stop throwing abuse at people who are trying to help you by answering your questions.


Not a difficult request. Any chance you could do it? Then we can get back on topic.

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