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Cameron's unbelievable ignorance of his own cuts

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The Oxford Mail has got hold of a letter from David Cameron to Oxfordshire County Council's (Tory) leader, expressing surprise and disappointment that the Council is making cuts to front line services in order to balance the books. They have also got hold of the Council leader's reply, in which he is forced to point out that a 37% government funding cut is not a 'slight fall' as Cameron thinks it is, and that the total savings they have had to make were not £204m since 2010 (as Cameron thought) but £626m.


The Council leader also explains other basics of the severe cuts to council budgets that Cameron appears to have no understanding of. It's worth reading the full letter which is linked to from the article http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/13948252.David_Cameron_clashes_with_council_over_cuts_to_frontline_services/


He isn't fit to be Prime Minister if he doesn't understand - even complains about - the consequences of his own policies. He has glided from Eton to Oxford to Parliament with all his privilege and wealth without having the first idea of life in the real world and seems utterly out of touch.

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I agree. And he's also pretty incompetent. Cameron is very good at claiming the credit if things go right and passing the buck when they go wrong.


I'm surprised that anyone could ever think that this rich, overprivileged toff could ever be in touch with ordinary people. What does he know of their lives, what worries does he share? How many of them does he actually know, or has ever had a real conversation with?


He has absolutely nothing in common with them, and always gives me the impression that he rather despises them with his patronising, supercillious manner. He obviously thinks because they didn't go to Oxbridge they're stupid, and will fall for anything if it's given enough spin.

Edited by Anna B
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Stupid are those who voted this lot in - the Tories have always been the same.

Sadly, many of those who voted them in are too young to remember living through the Thatcher years.

Things will get worse - it's inevitable.:(

Brace yourselves - worse is yet to come.

Edited by Daven
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Stupid are those who voted this lot in - the Tories have always been the same.

Sadly, many of those who voted them in are too young to remember living through the Thatcher years.

Things will get worse - it's inevitable.:(

Brace yourselves - worse is yet to come.


The Thatcher years were good for the vast majority of people. A few miners and dock workers list their jobs due to over militant union strikes (the scum unions actually murdered someone who was trying to get to work to feed their family!).


The economy was turned round and the country was in a much better state when she left office than when she arrived. Do you remember what it was like before? Constant strikes, rolling black outs, three day weeks etc.


Back to the op though. It doesn't surprise me. Most politicians seem completely ignorant of policy and impact. It is a sad thing.

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I don't know where you were at the time but where I was they certainly were not !

I work for the NHS - need I say more ?


---------- Post added 12-11-2015 at 09:51 ----------


I agree. And he's also pretty incompetent. Cameron is very good at claiming the credit if things go right and passing the buck when they go wrong.


I'm surprised that anyone could ever think that this rich, overprivileged toff could ever be in touch with ordinary people. What does he know of their lives, what worries does he share? How many of them does he actually know, or has ever had a real conversation with?


He has absolutely nothing in common with them, and always gives me the impression that he rather despises them with his patronising, supercillious manner. He obviously thinks because they didn't go to Oxbridge they're stupid, and will fall for anything if it's given enough spin.


Pretty much like any PM regardless of political persuasion tbh.

Edited by Daven
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Well...In common with others on here, my opinion is that DC has absolutely no concept whatsoever of how his cuts affect the ordinary bloke in the street...I just wonder how he can be so naive as to write to his local authority and complain about 'cuts'. It just beggars belief!


Much worse than that, he's actually made a complete fool of himself in enquiring. It's his own constituency for god's sake!

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Stupid are those who voted this lot in - the Tories have always been the same.

Sadly, many of those who voted them in are too young to remember living through the Thatcher years.

Things will get worse - it's inevitable.:(

Brace yourselves - worse is yet to come.


I suppose some of them are old enough to remember the Callaghan years..

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