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Cameron's unbelievable ignorance of his own cuts

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My only hope is that all this comes back to bite them on the arse when the next election comes around...But having said that, I can't see a credible alternative that I could possibly support.


Doesn't help when David Cameron has a majority of 25,155, which makes his seat extremely safe. The sort of thing that can make a politician complacent and take people for granted.



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Doesn't help when David Cameron has a majority of 25,155, which makes his seat extremely safe. The sort of thing that can make a politician complacent and take people for granted.




I guess his constituency assume because he's PM, then a special case can be made, or a blind eye turned at gross incompetency...I see it's not too heavily reported in the press!

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Doesn't help when David Cameron has a majority of 25,155, which makes his seat extremely safe. The sort of thing that can make a politician complacent and take people for granted.




You only need to look at all those safe labour seats where nothing happened in 13 years of labour government to see how true your statement is. You want action? Make your seat a marginal one!

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I agree. And he's also pretty incompetent. Cameron is very good at claiming the credit if things go right and passing the buck when they go wrong.


I'm afraid that those are the hallmarks of a competent politician. I do however agree that the letter is outrageous. The gall of the man is somewhat breathtaking.

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Well...In common with others on here, my opinion is that DC has absolutely no concept whatsoever of how his cuts affect the ordinary bloke in the street...I just wonder how he can be so naive as to write to his local authority and complain about 'cuts'. It just beggars belief!


Much worse than that, he's actually made a complete fool of himself in enquiring. It's his own constituency for god's sake!


Well when you live in ivory towers away from the stink of reality you will eventually start to believe your own lies and think that BS smells of perfume


---------- Post added 12-11-2015 at 13:39 ----------



The idiots turning himself and the country into an ever increasing laughing stock. Soon we will have all the credability of a russian athlete

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Well when you live in ivory towers away from the stink of reality you will eventually start to believe your own lies and think that BS smells of perfume


---------- Post added 12-11-2015 at 13:39 ----------



The idiots turning himself and the country into an ever increasing laughing stock. Soon we will have all the credability of a russian athlete


The real sadness in all this, is that his opposition is an even bigger laughing stock..So it gives him plenty of 'wiggle room'. I despair...

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The real sadness in all this, is that his opposition is an even bigger laughing stock..So it gives him plenty of 'wiggle room'. I despair...


Unfortunately even if the opposition were brilliant it would make no difference, we are stuck with the 650 idiots for another 4.5 yrs :(

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Well said...I remember those 'Thatcher' years...a particularly miserable time in Britain for a hell of a lot of people, and especially here in Yorkshire...


Too true. From what I can see whenever the council are forced to make cuts it always cuts front line services rather than waste,and quangos, so they can say to people, look what those nasty so and so,s at Westminster have done.

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