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Cameron's unbelievable ignorance of his own cuts

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The Thatcher years were good for the vast majority of people. A few miners and dock workers list their jobs due to over militant union strikes (the scum unions actually murdered someone who was trying to get to work to feed their family!).


The economy was turned round and the country was in a much better state when she left office than when she arrived. Do you remember what it was like before? Constant strikes, rolling black outs, three day weeks etc.


Back to the op though. It doesn't surprise me. Most politicians seem completely ignorant of policy and impact. It is a sad thing.


The Thatcher years profited from our own North Sea oil boom, and the money was frittered away. That money did nothing to help the 3 million unemployed get training. Wonderful years, property prices went through the roof, interest rates were never higher, one year rising to over 16%, house possessions at an all time high, and the country was truly divided between the have and have nots. She sold off the family silver, privatised the utilities to overseas investors, and prevented local councils from building new council homes once they sold the old. How very short sighted. Above all she allowed her rich friends and corporate business to get even richer. The bankers could do what they liked and greed and pure selfishness became the name of the game. I have never known a time when money was all people talked about, especially re. the worth of their house. Oddly enough, people actually thought this merry go round would last for ever, oh how gullible people can be.

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The Thatcher years profited from our own North Sea oil boom, and the money was frittered away. That money did nothing to help the 3 million unemployed get training. Wonderful years, property prices went through the roof, interest rates were never higher, one year rising to over 16%, house possessions at an all time high, and the country was truly divided between the have and have nots. She sold off the family silver, privatised the utilities to overseas investors, and prevented local councils from building new council homes once they sold the old. How very short sighted. Above all she allowed her rich friends and corporate business to get even richer. The bankers could do what they liked and greed and pure selfishness became the name of the game. I have never known a time when money was all people talked about, especially re. the worth of their house. Oddly enough, people actually thought this merry go round would last for ever, oh how gullible people can be.



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The Thatcher years profited from our own North Sea oil boom, and the money was frittered away. That money did nothing to help the 3 million unemployed get training. Wonderful years, property prices went through the roof, interest rates were never higher, one year rising to over 16%, house possessions at an all time high, and the country was truly divided between the have and have nots. She sold off the family silver, privatised the utilities to overseas investors, and prevented local councils from building new council homes once they sold the old. How very short sighted. Above all she allowed her rich friends and corporate business to get even richer. The bankers could do what they liked and greed and pure selfishness became the name of the game. I have never known a time when money was all people talked about, especially re. the worth of their house. Oddly enough, people actually thought this merry go round would last for ever, oh how gullible people can be.


Well said...I remember those 'Thatcher' years...a particularly miserable time in Britain for a hell of a lot of people, and especially here in Yorkshire...

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Well...In common with others on here, my opinion is that DC has absolutely no concept whatsoever of how his cuts affect the ordinary bloke in the street...I just wonder how he can be so naive as to write to his local authority and complain about 'cuts'. It just beggars belief!


Much worse than that, he's actually made a complete fool of himself in enquiring. It's his own constituency for god's sake!


That's the thing for me. If you live in Witney then surely you expect better than this from your MP?

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Well...In common with others on here, my opinion is that DC has absolutely no concept whatsoever of how his cuts affect the ordinary bloke in the street...I just wonder how he can be so naive as to write to his local authority and complain about 'cuts'. It just beggars belief!


Much worse than that, he's actually made a complete fool of himself in enquiring. It's his own constituency for god's sake!


He's not the only one. I am aware of at least one other MP writing into a junior minister of the department he is Secretary of Stare for to enquire why something has closed, when the reason is that he recently authorised massive cuts to his departments budget. I know someone who has to prepare the brief for this reply and hasn't got a clue what to say. It's lose/lose whatever they do.

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He's not the only one. I am aware of at least one other MP writing into a junior minister of the department he is Secretary of Stare for to enquire why something has closed, when the reason is that he recently authorised massive cuts to his departments budget. I know someone who has to prepare the brief for this reply and hasn't got a clue what to say. It's lose/lose whatever they do.


My only hope is that all this comes back to bite them on the arse when the next election comes around...But having said that, I can't see a credible alternative that I could possibly support.

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