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Cameron's unbelievable ignorance of his own cuts

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It would be highly embarrassing even if it was some no-name back bencher...But the leader!!!!!!...It's unreal!


The only credible Tory MP I could ever vote for was John Major. He was mocked and derided by his own party, because of his background. He wasn't from the old school, never went to Oxbridge or had a private education. His father worked in the circus and he made his own way up through the ranks. He was laughed at for stopping off at motorway services for a full English breakfast. Do you remember what he called members of his own party that were plotting against him? Bast@rds!!!

Says it all really, about the Tories.

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Too true. From what I can see whenever the council are forced to make cuts it always cuts front line services rather than waste,and quangos, so they can say to people, look what those nasty so and so,s at Westminster have done.


Why on earth would a Tory controlled council do this?

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UOTE=Daven;11209160]I don't know where you were at the time but where I was they certainly were not !

I work for the NHS - need I say more ?


---------- Post added 12-11-2015 at 09:51 ----------



Pretty much like any PM regardless of political persuasion tbh.



Bingo, best post on the forum, succinct and bang on the money.


Milliibore brothers just as bad as Cameroon, both multi millionaires, The war criminal Bliar - multi millionaire, Westminster is full of them. Pity Fawkes did not complete his little foray.

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It would be highly embarrassing even if it was some no-name back bencher...But the leader!!!!!!...It's unreal!


This is why I posted it to be honest, it just beggars belief that the Prime Minister would complain about cuts in his own constituency, made by his own party, without realising that they were 100% due to his own policies. And to describe a 37% cut in funding as 'a slight fall' - just unbelievable!


I honestly thought that the reason they felt comfortable making these cuts was because they just didn't care about people who are not like themselves; now it seems it might be because they genuinely don't know what effect they are having and I don't know which is worse. It's scary because presumably they think councils can manage another series of cuts, which will mean further damage to social care services (and then to the NHS who will find it even harder to discharge people who need care or support at home), homelessness services, housing support, mental health services, children's services, etc.

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I wonder if there are food banks in Cameron's constituency, and if he has actually visited one there? Even if it's just to witness if there are any poor in Oxford.


Anyway what are these back office savings that Cameron has proposed Oxfordshire council make, rather then the front line savings?

Edited by poppet2
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I wonder if there are food banks in Cameron's constituency, and if he has actually visited one there? Even if it's just to witness if there are any poor in Oxford.


Anyway what are these back office savings that Cameron has proposed Oxfordshire council make, rather then the front line savings?


It's not so long ago that the Tories even denied the existence of foodbanks...


And don't forget it was Cameron who turned down a donation from the EU towards funding the UK foodbanks.

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It's not so long ago that the Tories even denied the existence of foodbanks...


And don't forget it was Cameron who turned down a donation from the EU towards funding the UK foodbanks.


You mean like Labour during 13 years didn't have them advertised in job centres? I wonder why that was.

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You mean like Labour during 13 years didn't have them advertised in job centres? I wonder why that was.


It was because there was very little need for them. Since 2010 people have had to deal with being wrongly denied ESA, having their JSA stopped, often for spurious and arbitrary reasons, delays in benefits being paid, cuts to housing benefit, rising rents, wage cuts and so forth. Mostly due directly to government policy and probably something else Cameron doesn't realise.

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I wonder if there are food banks in Cameron's constituency, and if he has actually visited one there? Even if it's just to witness if there are any poor in Oxford.


Anyway what are these back office savings that Cameron has proposed Oxfordshire council make, rather then the front line savings?


They can sack all of the councillors, stop heating and lighting their offices, make the public servents work for nothing, switch off the street lights at night, start selling their bodies on the streets. All good worthy tory policies


Whats suprising me is that this government hasnt reintoduced the poor law and the workhouses. I know, give them time

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