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Cameron's unbelievable ignorance of his own cuts

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I was thinking more of our council but the thread is in the general discussions.

No, I agree, I can' t really think why a Tory council would want to do that.


Wouldn't it be because they could then claim that it's merely government policy? Wouldn't it make sense for a council of any persuasion to claim they had no choice in cutting this or that service. Local politics are somewhat different from national politics. They have to keep their local constituents 'on-side' no matter which party it may be.


Given a choice no local government enjoys making cuts...Surely?

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They can sack all of the councillors, stop heating and lighting their offices, make the public servents work for nothing, switch off the street lights at night, start selling their bodies on the streets. All good worthy tory policies


The number of councillors elected to an area is decided by fixed rules, the electoral commission would not sanction cutting councillor posts.

All England and Wales councils have fixed guidelines on the terms and conditions of their employees.

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