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Sick of being skint

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I really feel for you - it's true we did have it easy by comparison (I'm in my 60s). Another idea would be for one of you to work evenings/weekends while baby is young. I know earnings would fall but then you wouldn't be forking out so much for childcare. I know several mums who did this - often working in care homes or call centres. I know it's not ideal but might be worth considering as a temporary measure?


---------- Post added 11-11-2015 at 23:59 ----------


Sorry - just re-read OP and seen child is at school so therefore not a 'baby'!

Edited by lindylou53
not reading OP properly!
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I'm sorry you're finding life so difficult at the moment. As are millions of others - you are not alone.


However, I wouldn't wish to change places with your brother's partners, even if they do appear to have it better than you. It's probably not nearly as good as you think. What sort of example are they setting for their children? And once those children grow up the gravy train will stop. I also agree with tigger that what they're doing might not even be legal. I realise how frustrating it must be but their lifestyle is really not something I'd envy.


Meanwhile you are working hard and finding it very tough, as are many others, but you are doing the very best you can for your children and teaching them real values. Stay strong as a family and be proud of yourselves. It will be worth it.




If you want to blame anyone, blame a government that supports the rich and has allowed real wages and conditions for the majority to drop. Blame greedy profiteering companies that price things out of the pocket of ordinary people. Blame rogue landlords who are doing what your sister in law is doing only on a grand scale and forcing rents up, blame the tax avoiders and evaders who earn millions and probably pay less tax than you do. and investment bankers who are manipulating the economy to such an extent that the richest are now fantastically richer and the poor much poorer. It's tackling this at a political level that will make a real change.


Your post seemed half decent to start off with, but the second part was always bubbling away wasn't it, and it came out.

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Your post seemed half decent to start off with, but the second part was always bubbling away wasn't it, and it came out.


The rich have got richer and the poor have got poorer.


If you look only at the poor, and compare to the past, those with children are now far better off than those with fewer children who are far better off than those with no children.


There was a time when wages largely determined income, but now it seems to be child benefit (child benefit and child tax credit) that determines income.y This is largely due to wages falling in real terms, not benefits increasing in real terms. Many benefits have actually fallen in real terms.


Looking at the poor, all of them are poor, and poorer than they ought to be, and some are poorer than others. Particularly single people. With little/no benefits to top up their income.

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If you want to blame anyone, blame a government that supports the rich and has allowed real wages and conditions for the majority to drop. Blame greedy profiteering companies that price things out of the pocket of ordinary people. Blame rogue landlords who are doing what your sister in law is doing only on a grand scale and forcing rents up, blame the tax avoiders and evaders who earn millions and probably pay less tax than you do. and investment bankers who are manipulating the economy to such an extent that the richest are now fantastically richer and the poor much poorer. It's tackling this at a political level that will make a real change.

here we go ... predictable at best
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If you want to blame anyone, blame a government that supports the rich and has allowed real wages and conditions for the majority to drop. Blame greedy profiteering companies that price things out of the pocket of ordinary people. Blame rogue landlords who are doing what your sister in law is doing only on a grand scale and forcing rents up, blame the tax avoiders and evaders who earn millions and probably pay less tax than you do. and investment bankers who are manipulating the economy to such an extent that the richest are now fantastically richer and the poor much poorer. It's tackling this at a political level that will make a real change.


Definitely blame the government.

They are only raising tax threshold so poor pay less tax.

They are only raising minimum wage above current inflation level.

They are cutting public money spending. And public money is OUR MONEY that WE earn and someone else spends.

Blame government, they should just pull money out of a hat.

Or better yet they should give all poor little money printers so they could print as much as they need.

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The rich have got richer and the poor have got poorer.


If you look only at the poor, and compare to the past, those with children are now far better off than those with fewer children who are far better off than those with no children.


There was a time when wages largely determined income, but now it seems to be child benefit (child benefit and child tax credit) that determines income.y This is largely due to wages falling in real terms, not benefits increasing in real terms. Many benefits have actually fallen in real terms.


Looking at the poor, all of them are poor, and poorer than they ought to be, and some are poorer than others. Particularly single people. With little/no benefits to top up their income.


This has always been the case when we have a Tory government.

To the OP - my family was in a similar situation to yours for a very long time until our circumstances changed recently.

You are doing the best for your child and setting a wonderful example to them.

I do hope your situation improves and, as has already been said, seek advice about your entitlements

Good luck X

Edited by Daven
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Blame greedy profiteering companies that price things out of the pocket of ordinary people.


Like what? Supermarkets are in so much competition with each other to make sure their prices are the lowest around. We have far more choice where to buy, not just the usual big supermarkets, but with Aldi, Lidl, Iceland, Home Bargains (note its not called "Home and Bargain") and countless others.


Electrical goods are far cheaper than they used to be. When I was a kid a kettle was a major expense, now you can get one for £4.


Clothes - now supermarkets and Primark are around there's more places to buy cheap clothes.


People are so obsessed with surrounding themselves with shiny stuff that there's a thriving second hand market for great second hand goods. I recently bought this six month old Next 2 seater leather sofa for just £40 because it "didn't look right" in the former owner's living room. It was £800 on the receipt.

Edited by alchresearch
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Simple way is to have 2 more kids, your wife can become a house wife and provide better care for the kids, while you drop your hours to 24 aweek (this count as full time so no training courses). You can have lots of family times, the state will give you more disposal able income then both of you working

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