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Sick of being skint

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Have you checked your elgibility for child care and tax credits?


Dont think shes allowed to rent out her house if its right to buy and th Mortgage company wont like it either.


Hope things pick up for you.


You need to get someone to look at your earnings - I'm sure you can get some tax credits if you can work the grey areas. CAB might help although I1L2T3 pointed out mumsnet was a hot bed for that sort of info. Now admittedly the tories are about to pull the rug out of the whole tax credits thing but it might be worth a look.


On the other hand, you both seem like you work hard and play with a straight bat - is it worth looking for better paid jobs? Maybe your employers aren't paying what they could and you might get a better offer elsewhere.

if you havent noticed even if he can get tax credits, thats the next thing the governments gonna fiddle with, making it even harder for those that work (but on a low income)

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There was a time when wages largely determined income, but now it seems to be child benefit (child benefit and child tax credit) that determines income.y This is largely due to wages falling in real terms, not benefits increasing in real terms. Many benefits have actually fallen in real terms.


Isn't that by a chance proof that child benefits and tax credits are overblown?

Isn't it lefties idea?

Cut benefits, raise minimum wage,raise tax free allowance and hey, it will be reversed. Wages will form bigger part of family income. But won't that reward honest working people instead of "disadvantaged"? Wasn't that proposed by tories?


Damn tories try to be all pro working poor like we dont wan't your money in tax any more you should keep it.

Damn snakes why cant they just put poor in shackles like in good old times.

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if you havent noticed even if he can get tax credits, thats the next thing the governments gonna fiddle with, making it even harder for those that work (but on a low income)


If he is struggling with his finances then he should see a debt advisor or contact a charity that gives financial advice to maximise his incomings and minimise his outgoiungs. Thats soemthing he cna do now to help himself.


yes im well aware of the changes in tax credits.

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Like what? Supermarkets are in so much competition with each other to make sure their prices are the lowest around. We have far more choice where to buy, not just the usual big supermarkets, but with Aldi, Lidl, Iceland, Home Bargains (note its not called "Home and Bargain") and countless others.


Electrical goods are far cheaper than they used to be. When I was a kid a kettle was a major expense, now you can get one for £4.


Clothes - now supermarkets and Primark are around there's more places to buy cheap clothes.


Now we are going into purchasing power, inflation, value, them sort of things.

Such economy, math so hard.

Better to fling some fresh excrement towards tories, maybe something will stick.

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Going forward don't have any more kids! That pot will eventually build back up.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Have them before the tax credit rules change in 2017, taking what is offered by the state does not make anyone scum ;)

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Like what? Supermarkets are in so much competition with each other to make sure their prices are the lowest around. We have far more choice where to buy, not just the usual big supermarkets, but with Aldi, Lidl, Iceland, Home Bargains (note its not called "Home and Bargain") and countless others.


Electrical goods are far cheaper than they used to be. When I was a kid a kettle was a major expense, now you can get one for £4.


Clothes - now supermarkets and Primark are around there's more places to buy cheap clothes.


People are so obsessed with surrounding themselves with shiny stuff that there's a thriving second hand market for great second hand goods. I recently bought this six month old Next 2 seater leather sofa for just £40 because it "didn't look right" in the former owner's living room. It was £800 on the receipt.


That's a cracking sofa! Where you get it from? I'll give you 50 for it, obviously including delivery

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I can sympathize. My partner and I both work. We can't afford to save a deposit for our own home so have accepted that we will be renting for at least the next decade. We've discussed having children as we are both in our late 20s but don't feel we can afford to do so. If we have a child we want to know we can independently afford to support them and are in the best position to provide them with a decent quality of life.


Too many people spend money they don't have or don't plan or think of the consequences of their actions. And as you pointed out... it's hard working, sensible and responsible people that end up footing the bill for the exact mistakes we've purposefully avoided making.

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i agree it is very anoying, you go out to work and you are not much better off for do so, when others just sit at home on their fat backsides do nothing and get loads of money,


problem is the benefit sytem/government pick on the wrong people, the people who genuine who realey need it are forced back to work, and the lazy idle bs who dont need it know what to say and how to fiddle the sytem and get the money

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I'm sorry you're finding life so difficult at the moment. As are millions of others - you are not alone.


However, I wouldn't wish to change places with your brother's partners, even if they do appear to have it better than you. It's probably not nearly as good as you think. What sort of example are they setting for their children? And once those children grow up the gravy train will stop. I also agree with tigger that what they're doing might not even be legal. I realise how frustrating it must be but their lifestyle is really not something I'd envy.


Meanwhile you are working hard and finding it very tough, as are many others, but you are doing the very best you can for your children and teaching them real values. Stay strong as a family and be proud of yourselves. It will be worth it.



If you want to blame anyone, blame a government that supports the rich and has allowed real wages and conditions for the majority to drop. Blame greedy profiteering companies that price things out of the pocket of ordinary people. Blame rogue landlords who are doing what your sister in law is doing only on a grand scale and forcing rents up, blame the tax avoiders and evaders who earn millions and probably pay less tax than you do. and investment bankers who are manipulating the economy to such an extent that the richest are now fantastically richer and the poor much poorer. It's tackling this at a political level that will make a real change.




It's all Liebours fault, Bliar, Brown, Mandelson have much to answer for.



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