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Sick of being skint

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If all this is getting you down, the answer is quite simple....


Just do whatever the people you are moaning about do.

It's not rocket science.


They are doing it for a reason, if YOU don't do it "on principle" then you are a Martyr to yourself.



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Simple way is to have 2 more kids, your wife can become a house wife and provide better care for the kids, while you drop your hours to 24 aweek (this count as full time so no training courses). You can have lots of family times, the state will give you more disposal able income then both of you working


If all this is getting you down, the answer is quite simple....


Just do whatever the people you are moaning about do.

It's not rocket science.


They are doing it for a reason, if YOU don't do it "on principle" then you are a Martyr to yourself.




I disagree.


Like many others, and the OP, I work extremely hard and don't get paid a great deal. Though unlike the OP I don't have children.

However for lots of reasons I wouldn't rely on the dole for my income, because as others have said work is a source of self esteem, it gives structure to the day, and another purpose. Crucially, the OP is being a good role model to his children by going out to work.


I was on the dole many years ago for about 14 months, and it was a miserable chapter in my life. There's no way I'm going back there, if I can help it. Yes there are the Daily Mail, gossip magazine fodder, who seemingly get a lot in benefits. But I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.


Where I work there are people paid twice, three even four times what I do, yet are content to sit on their arses and get their nice salaries for it. Quite frankly they get no respect from me, nor from others in the organisation.

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The first principle to understand is that Britain,Cameron,Corbyn,the Council, your Employer etc..........do not owe you a living! take what's going and if not happy,move on like millions have done before you!

Edited by mossdog
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I disagree.


Like many others, and the OP, I work extremely hard and don't get paid a great deal. Though unlike the OP I don't have children.

However for lots of reasons I wouldn't rely on the dole for my income, because as others have said work is a source of self esteem, it gives structure to the day, and another purpose. Crucially, the OP is being a good role model to his children by going out to work.


I was on the dole many years ago for about 14 months, and it was a miserable chapter in my life. There's no way I'm going back there, if I can help it. Yes there are the Daily Mail, gossip magazine fodder, who seemingly get a lot in benefits. But I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.


Where I work there are people paid twice, three even four times what I do, yet are content to sit on their arses and get their nice salaries for it. Quite frankly they get no respect from me, nor from others in the organisation.


Well that seems to work fo you Mister M, but then you are not the one whos started the thread.


See..... If I see someone making a good living/lifestyle from something I's seriously look into ..

A) how they were doing it

B) If it was legal

C) If I could better my current/future circumstances by doing the same.


If not working was an improvement on all those levels, then I would indeed do it for my family (or wouldn't as the case may be) ;)


Not working isn't the joyride people seem to think it is (been there a couple of times) but the reason I ALWAYS got back into work was because I was financially better off, nothing to do with stigma nor peer pressure.

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I disagree.


Like many others, and the OP, I work extremely hard and don't get paid a great deal. Though unlike the OP I don't have children.

However for lots of reasons I wouldn't rely on the dole for my income, because as others have said work is a source of self esteem, it gives structure to the day, and another purpose. Crucially, the OP is being a good role model to his children by going out to work.


I was on the dole many years ago for about 14 months, and it was a miserable chapter in my life. There's no way I'm going back there, if I can help it. Yes there are the Daily Mail, gossip magazine fodder, who seemingly get a lot in benefits. But I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.


Where I work there are people paid twice, three even four times what I do, yet are content to sit on their arses and get their nice salaries for it. Quite frankly they get no respect from me, nor from others in the organisation.

I told him to work 24 hours so job center wouldnt brother him as he is class as full time. This way they will have more spending money and lots of quality time with the kids. Only dumb people would do other wise

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I told him to work 24 hours so job center wouldnt brother him as he is class as full time. This way they will have more spending money and lots of quality time with the kids. Only dumb people would do other wise




Of course working 24 hrs a day would have it's pitfalls.


1) Not much time to see the kids


2) Not much time to see the wife


3) Less time to judge other people for not adhering to their "standards" (This used to be called "INTERFERING", but now it's called "Intervention"


On the upside


Plenty of money to buy computers & internetty things to come here and whine about people who are percieved as being "better off".


Strange world innit?

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here we go ... predictable at best



So who do you think is to blame for 100,000 children homeless, need for foodbanks, rising rents and house prices, bedroom tax, homelessness, failing public services, mass immigration, corruption in public office, falling wages, 0 hours contracts, temporary contracts, etc. and hardworking people like the OP struggling just to get by... And all the many other things that are ruining life for so many?


(And I'm not just thinking Conservatives here, Labour have to take their share of the blame as well. The governance that this country has endured has been rotten to the core for the last 50 years,)

Edited by Anna B
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I'm sorry you're finding life so difficult at the moment. As are millions of others - you are not alone.


However, I wouldn't wish to change places with your brother's partners, even if they do appear to have it better than you. It's probably not nearly as good as you think. What sort of example are they setting for their children? And once those children grow up the gravy train will stop. I also agree with tigger that what they're doing might not even be legal. I realise how frustrating it must be but their lifestyle is really not something I'd envy.


Meanwhile you are working hard and finding it very tough, as are many others, but you are doing the very best you can for your children and teaching them real values. Stay strong as a family and be proud of yourselves. It will be worth it.


If you want to blame anyone, blame a government that supports the rich and has allowed real wages and conditions for the majority to drop. Blame greedy profiteering companies that price things out of the pocket of ordinary people. Blame rogue landlords who are doing what your sister in law is doing only on a grand scale and forcing rents up, blame the tax avoiders and evaders who earn millions and probably pay less tax than you do. and investment bankers who are manipulating the economy to such an extent that the richest are now fantastically richer and the poor much poorer. It's tackling this at a political level that will make a real change.


Your post seemed half decent to start off with, but the second part was always bubbling away wasn't it, and it came out.


The truth always finds a way of coming out...

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