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Sick of being skint

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@ colinsdog & barny65


Ok, now if you'd allow me the privilege to respond to both those comments.


First off - we only have 1 child, he arrived (by accident) and we both love him enormously, he brings a huge amount of happiness to both me and my partner. We'd love to have had another.....but we simply didn't have the money. (The childcare costs alone would have doubled...try finding £48,000 in 4yrs!!) So he's an only child, but hopefully we'll raise him strong enough so he'll never feel disadvantaged.


Secondly - home...yes we also have a lovely home. We were both lucky enough just to miss the housing boom. Today we would never be able to buy our house.... Infact we wouldn't stand a cat in hells chance of even getting onto the property ladder.


Ok, so we have a child and we have our home and we both work.

The problem I have here, is that you seem to miss the little fact that we got what we have by ourselves, through hardwork and going without. None of it came free!!


It may startle some of you to know that we along with other families out there that still have the old fashioned TV's, don't drink, don't smoke, virtually never buy clothes unless absolutely necessary and rarely if ever go out. Now if you're trying to somehow say that I shouldn't feel bitter when I see others who have absolutely no intention of ever lifting a finger to better themselves and fully expect to live a life mirroring my own thanks to state handouts and free housing, free dental care and God only knows what else and what's worse then have the brazen cheek to moan and be vindictive to others that actually go without and work.....well I'm sorry, but I will never agree to accept the idle should have a better life than the workers. That's just stupid talk.


Yes, I'm acutely aware that we are lucky but that wasn't really what my rant was about in the OP.


So you are bitter because other people have things you havent got.


As explained in previous post, lots of us work hard longer hours and youre not unique.


And I havent been able to buy a house or have any kids. So should I be envious of you?


Try and be grateful. You can always change jobs, careers, move abroad, do anything you wanna do.


The world or the state doesnt owe you your ideal white picket fence life im afraid.

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Oh, crikey, where do i start..

A conspiracy theorist?..lol...arent they people who come up with crackpot ideas not backed up by evidence?

Whereas what Anna B has said is backed up by evidence if you care to look, its just that most Tories choose to ignore the evidence, they are quite happy for the poor to suffer cuts whilst we give away millions to people who...............well, have millions already.


The conspiracy theorist had a ';)' after it. It was intended as chatting banter :)


The truth always finds a way of coming out...


It does indeed, and what started off as clearly just a dig at the current government nothing more (see below), then alters slightly to 'worm out of it' by adding more...



If you want to blame anyone, blame a government that supports the rich and has allowed real wages and conditions for the majority to drop.


And I'm not just thinking Conservatives here, Labour have to take their share of the blame as well. The governance that this country has endured has been rotten to the core for the last 50 years


why not write that instead of having a good ole rant at current government?


The truth always finds a way of coming out...


and here...


I do think successive governments in this country still think we have a great empire, and all they are interested in is puffing themselves up and grandstanding as great statesmen. They are not....


Oh, crikey, where do i start..

so, deos that makes me a conspiracy theorist...i very much doubt.?

As for the rubbishing of Anna B's post as "mainly nonsense"...well, that is subjective is it not?

I am sure if you will find plenty of people who are effected by the cuts, who would contentiously disagree with you

And....as for highlighting it all in red, well, that would be pretty pointless, i wanted to highlight the main point i was responding to, although i must point out, that this gives no reflection on any negative views to the rest of her statement


Non of these links support what the OP said or was getting at, or is this subjective and I missed the point?


(The Guardian is hardly the most balanced rag either)



Yet I know others, both brothers partners who've never worked a day since leaving school, multiple kids by seperate fathers!! Both have money to burn. Constantly facebooking, out down town, boozing weekends away, off on foreign holidays etc etc. One has just bought her damn council house and has moved out to another with her boyfriend (my brother) and is now renting out her former home to cover the mortgage!! So in effect she's getting a free house by doing sod all!!


I'm absolutely sick to the back teeth of being honest and getting nowhere, whilst all around the freeloaders (lazy idle sods) are floating through life laughing at everyone else.

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So you are bitter because other people have things you havent got.


As explained in previous post, lots of us work hard longer hours and youre not unique.


And I havent been able to buy a house or have any kids. So should I be envious of you?


Try and be grateful. You can always change jobs, careers, move abroad, do anything you wanna do.


The world or the state doesnt owe you your ideal white picket fence life im afraid.

Indeed it doesn't. And it is something the unemployed will never have. Their's is often a world of insecurity, instabillity and ill-health.


Working is good for you. It gives you structure, confidence, friends, prospects, and hope. I've never met an unemployed person who wouldn't swap places with someone in the OP's position in a heartbeat.


Some unemployed do decide to try and make the best of it, (or try and make it look that way,) but many many more find it a time of great distress.

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Indeed it doesn't. And it is something the unemployed will never have. Their's is often a world of insecurity, instabillity and ill-health.


Working is good for you. It gives you structure, confidence, friends, prospects, and hope. I've never met an unemployed person who wouldn't swap places with someone in the OP's position in a heartbeat.


Some unemployed do decide to try and make the best of it, (or try and make it look that way,) but many many more find it a time of great distress.


what I am trying to explain is everyone from the unemployed to higher middle earners have a problem in UK.


Its what you have left at the end of the month and what you have to do, to earn that figure, that really matters.


Ive never met an unemployed person who was trully happy being poor! For all we know that wide screen TV is on tick. I also know wealthy or comfortably off people who are miserable.


So dont worry about others and be grateful for the small things you do have. Kids, health, freedom.


That is all :)

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Hello everyone :)

I was one of these people earning 3, 4 or 5 times more than others In office.


What people don't see is the evenings and weekends worked and extra stress. Where as less responsible and low paid jobs usually means you do your shift and go home and get to relax.


It's hard to know the ins and outs of others situation untill you have walked a mile in others shoes :)


---------- Post added 13-11-2015 at 09:43 ----------



You said you work a regular 40 hour week and your partner does 30 hours.

I've regularly worked 60 hour weeks. Rarely getting home early and using weekends to catch up on sleep or work.

Nobody has it easy in this day and age to try and earn a crust :)


---------- Post added 13-11-2015 at 09:45 ----------



How do you buy a house without an income? Do the husbands have income?


Where I work it's those on the front line who are the subjected to the stress, misery & aggression of others - it's those 'earning' a fortune, aren't subject to any of this.

My job is responsible - I am responsible. Those in Senior Management positions are hated by people on the shop floor because we can smell their bs a mile off.

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Where I work it's those on the front line who are the subjected to the stress, misery & aggression of others - it's those 'earning' a fortune, aren't subject to any of this.

My job is responsible - I am responsible. Those in Senior Management positions are hated by people on the shop floor because we can smell their bs a mile off.


I have also worked in this environment.


However, I've also viewed from the opposite side. And had the whole highly paid exec level job where you get pressure from both sides.


Alas, at the moment I am back to being poor but also free (swings and roundabouts) :)

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The conspiracy theorist had a ';)' after it. It was intended as chatting banter :)

sorry i missed that then :suspect:


Non of these links support what the OP said or was getting at, or is this subjective and I missed the point?


Yeah....you must have missed the point? because this link


quite clearly states......

Taxpayers are handing businesses £93bn a year – a transfer of more than £3,500 from each household in the UK...............

which is EXACTLY what Anna was talking about...

and this link



last week, as the Tory faithful cheered on George Osborne’s new cuts in benefits for the working-age poor, a little story appeared that blew a big hole in the welfare debate. Tucked away in the Guardian last Wednesday, an article revealed that the British government had since 2007 handed Disney almost £170m to make films here. Last year alone the Californian giant took £50m in tax credits. By way of comparison, in April the government will scrap a £347m crisis fund that provides emergency cash for families on the verge of homelessness or starvation........

which is also EXACTLY what Anna was talking about


(The Guardian is hardly the most balanced rag either)

Whether its from a balanced rag or not.................facts are facts


And the point that Anna makes that it is just not the Tories that are to blame...that may be slightly true, ....but i dont think anyone can argue that the Labour Party didnt, vindictively attack the poor and needy like the Tories have done, and then helped out the rich by giving away tax breaks......

(sorry for the jumbled response, not quite got the hang of multi quotes yet lol)

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  • 2 months later...
I'm sorry you're finding life so difficult at the moment. As are millions of others - you are not alone.


However, I wouldn't wish to change places with your brother's partners, even if they do appear to have it better than you. It's probably not nearly as good as you think. What sort of example are they setting for their children? And once those children grow up the gravy train will stop. I also agree with tigger that what they're doing might not even be legal. I realise how frustrating it must be but their lifestyle is really not something I'd envy.


Meanwhile you are working hard and finding it very tough, as are many others, but you are doing the very best you can for your children and teaching them real values. Stay strong as a family and be proud of yourselves. It will be worth it.


If you want to blame anyone, blame a government that supports the rich and has allowed real wages and conditions for the majority to drop. Blame greedy profiteering companies that price things out of the pocket of ordinary people. Blame rogue landlords who are doing what your sister in law is doing only on a grand scale and forcing rents up, blame the tax avoiders and evaders who earn millions and probably pay less tax than you do. and investment bankers who are manipulating the economy to such an extent that the richest are now fantastically richer and the poor much poorer. It's tackling this at a political level that will make a real change.


I totally agree with this post Anna B. I would not change places with the op's brothers partners. I think work gives you a purpose in life. To the OP, I understand where you are coming from but hold your head up high. You work for everything you have. :)

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Forgive me everyone

But I have to rant....

Like most, I'm sure - I'm sick of being constantly skint.


Both me and my partner work. Have one child in primary school so we both have to constantly juggle work hours. My son was put into child care from the age of 3 months. Then due to the ridiculous cost of living and childcare fees (£700 per month) plus mortgage. He was in every day at 8am and collected before 6pm. In 4yrs we paid out £24,000 just for the privilege to work. Not well paid jobs, mines manual work, my partner office work. No holidays for the past 8yrs!! It's crap!!


Yet I know others, both brothers partners who've never worked a day since leaving school, multiple kids by seperate fathers!! Both have money to burn. Constantly facebooking, out down town, boozing weekends away, off on foreign holidays etc etc. One has just bought her damn council house and has moved out to another with her boyfriend (my brother) and is now renting out her former home to cover the mortgage!! So in effect she's getting a free house by doing sod all!!


I'm absolutely sick to the back teeth of being honest and getting nowhere, whilst all around the freeloaders (lazy idle sods) are floating through life laughing at everyone else.


It stinks!!

Really wish the government would stamp this out.

We both have absolutely nothing to look forward to. Feel so sorry that we can't give our son the lifestyle that these types of people can give their kids.....and to make it worse....I'm paying for it!!!


Pure and utter scum!!


Sorry rant over.


If it was up to me my taxes should go on helping people like you rather than the sick, lame and lazy. I know and meet many in similar positions and frankly it stinks, we hear constantly about people on the breadline needing food banks to feed their kids etc give it to people like you who at least try to make a life and a contribution.


Hope things get better for you

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