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Margaret Thatcher would recoil at today's inequality.

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What area do you live in and what did Thatcher do to it?


I'm from Nottinghamshire. I didn't work in the mines but my Dad did and lots of my mates. I see local shops, pubs and businesses closed, on the back of that. Employment in these communities is hard to find.

Not only on a employment basis, but surely an economic basis too, these areas could have continued to prosper. Is the money being paid in benefits to these communities considerably less than subsideries paid to the coal industry? Even if it is, what price on people's respect for actually working for a living.

Let's not also forget, that Thatcher used the Falklands conflict as an election campaign. It was avoidable, but she was happy to swap men's lives for votes.


I detest the woman and know I'm not alone.

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I'm from Nottinghamshire. I didn't work in the mines but my Dad did and lots of my mates. I see local shops, pubs and businesses closed, on the back of that. Employment in these communities is hard to find.

Not only on a employment basis, but surely an economic basis too, these areas could have continued to prosper. Is the money being paid in benefits to these communities considerably less than subsideries paid to the coal industry? Even if it is, what price on people's respect for actually working for a living.

Let's not also forget, that Thatcher used the Falklands conflict as an election campaign. It was avoidable, but she was happy to swap men's lives for votes.


I detest the woman and know I'm not alone.


Which mine did they work at? You know that Wilson closed more mines than Thatcher don't you? Admittedly Nottinghamshire mines tended to be worked longer than most other areas, so a disproportionate number of mines in that county were closed under Thatcher.


The areas couldn't continue to prosper as they were being subsidised by the state, this couldn't continue. The mine closures would have been spread out to a far greater degree (giving people and communities the ability to adapt and change) if not for the militancy of the unions. Remember Scargill called three ballots and each and every time his desire to strike was smashed by the majority. Instead of accepting that the majority of the miners were happy to continue, he organised violent, murderous gangs that forced people out of work and attacked the police.

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Which mine did they work at? You know that Wilson closed more mines than Thatcher don't you? Admittedly Nottinghamshire mines tended to be worked longer than most other areas, so a disproportionate number of mines in that county were closed under Thatcher.


The areas couldn't continue to prosper as they were being subsidised by the state, this couldn't continue. The mine closures would have been spread out to a far greater degree (giving people and communities the ability to adapt and change) if not for the militancy of the unions. Remember Scargill called three ballots and each and every time his desire to strike was smashed by the majority. Instead of accepting that the majority of the miners were happy to continue, he organised violent, murderous gangs that forced people out of work and attacked the police.


Adapt and change?

If we were talking a few hundred jobs, then maybe some may have been able to do so.

The problem is, we are talking of thousands. What world do you live in?

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Adapt and change?

If we were talking a few hundred jobs, then maybe some may have been able to do so.

The problem is, we are talking of thousands. What world do you live in?


The same world that found new jobs for the many many many farriers, iron mongers and stone masons. The needs of the economy change over time, there aren't nearly so many blacksmiths as there used to be.


As early as the 1960's, Labour were warning the mining industry that their time was drawing to a close.


All living things have to adapt my friend, times change and the miners were an anachronism in 1980s Britain. Sad but true.

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Thatcher was a Tory. A dishonest uncaring money centred bitch who cost this country mainly in the north so much pain its unreal.

She was such a bitch that she sent the task force to the Falklands only because her popularity was so low at the time. Had she been riding high in the poles im confident she would have left the Falklanders to rot. She was a vile women.



So much anger.

And such appalling spelling and grammar too.

Chin chin now.

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No it isn't. She's been out of power for a quarter of a century. We had 13 years of Labour government in that time and they hardly built any council homes.


erm wernt that because thatcher said the local councils couldn't use the money to rebuild :huh:


---------- Post added 15-11-2015 at 09:22 ----------


She isn't "solely responsible" for anything. The industries she "closed down" weren't producing products that people wanted to buy. Her government simply stopped subsidising them.

she started the rot in selling off british industries to outsiders who now have control over how much energy we use :roll: and her government are now giving contracts to foreign countries who are now using government subsidised products :roll: god you just cant make this up can you :hihi:

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So much anger.

And such appalling spelling and grammar too.

Chin chin now.


Cant be that bad. You got my meaning

Chin chin.


---------- Post added 15-11-2015 at 09:45 ----------


Absolute tosh :rolleyes:


Why tosh? She was an evil women who when she wasnt decimating the North she was covering up paedophile activities by prominent MPs. To anyone who admires her or who misses her now shes dead, dont. She isnt worth it.

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