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Political spectrum test

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I think it's American and so their centre ground is right of what we regard centre ground, so anyone in the UK taking this will be shifted leftward.
Ah, that would explain why so many of the questions were black and white.


Some of them might as well have been phrased as "are you a psychopathic nutcase?", to which many right wing Americans would answer yes. And gladly.

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Hitler was a socialist wasn't he?..


The scales on this spectrum are economic (left < > right) and social (libertarian < > authoritarian). The test has Margaret Thatcher economically right of Hitler, but more libertarian on the social scale. Based on the website diagram, Hitler wasn't a pure socialist or capitalist, as he was pretty much in the middle economically.

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I guess almost everyone comes out as more libertarian than they really are. Sat at home in a cosy calm enviroment, imo, we think we are considrate, compassionate and caring but in the cold light of reality, practacality and time limits - our real attitude emerges.


I guess there are others that answer as 'well hard' and uncompromising to fit in with their image of themselves.


Nevertheless, I find these tests interesting and would love to see the effect individual answers have on the whole. For instance when asked if 'X' is the most important aspect of 'Y', I usually answer 'No' because a 'Yes' answer seems to eliminate a whole bunch of other factors or 'X' is only one of a range of equally rated aspects.


For many of the subjects discussed here we are only armchair critics.

As Theodore Roosevelt said "It's not the critic who counts . . . . . "


Edited by Flanker7
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