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Jihadi John killed by a drone, he should have been arrested instead

What should have happened to Jihadi John?  

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  1. 1. What should have happened to Jihadi John?

    • Kill him with a drone strike
    • Arrest him and put him on trial

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The British muslim ISIL fighter Mohammed Emwazi AKA Jihadi John who murdered western prisoners by beheading them with a knife on camera has been killed in a US drone strike that was apparently coordinated by UK forces.


State sponsored killings aren't nice but you can see how it is the only option sometimes.


Cameron says that it was an "act of self defence".


Corbyn says that he should have been arrested and tried in court.


It's all a big mess but who's right?


To be fair to Corbyn, he said 'It would have been far better for us all if he had been held to account in a court of law.' May that is true but we all know that an operation to capture him would have risked the lives of many servicemen and wasn't worth the risk - it would also be a PR disaster if lives were lost and he got away.


I'm generally not a fan of extra-judicial process but sometimes there are exception and this feels like one of them. Maybe I'm duplicitous in the application of my principles but I must admit that it brought a smile to my face when I heard he'd been killed... good riddance.

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According to the fantastic Daily Mail headline and subsequent reportage, he was either 'evaporated' or 'eviscerated', which to my way of thinking are both pretty terminal. However, the Pentagon reports that they're only 99% certain that he's gone to meet his maker (presumably now partying with a load of naked virgins?).


You'd imagine that having your bowels blasted out of your stomach, or being turned into constituent molecules would be erring more toward the 100% range, wouldn't you? :huh:


Isis, on the other hand say he's injured. I know Jeff Goldblum (Seth Brundle) was rendered into atoms, then reconstituted in 'The Fly', but surely Isis don't possess the necessary transmitter/reconstitution pods as yet?

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To be fair to Corbyn, he said 'It would have been far better for us all if he had been held to account in a court of law.' May that is true but we all know that an operation to capture him would have risked the lives of many servicemen and wasn't worth the risk - it would also be a PR disaster if lives were lost and he got away.


I'm generally not a fan of extra-judicial process but sometimes there are exception and this feels like one of them. Maybe I'm duplicitous in the application of my principles but I must admit that it brought a smile to my face when I heard he'd been killed... good riddance.


There's also another aspect...Yezidi women and girls are used as playthings for these dogs, let's hope the attack was well coordinated with minimal collateral, if not zero collateral.

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Arrest him and put him on trial if it was possible to do so. I'd suggest it would have been incredibly hard to do so, and he was a direct threat to Britain'severy normal thinking person in the World's interests so I actually have no issues using a drone strike to kill him in this instance. A trial would ALWAYS be preferable though, but not always possible.


---------- Post added 13-11-2015 at 15:05 ----------


To be fair to Corbyn, he said 'It would have been far better for us all if he had been held to account in a court of law.' May that is true but we all know that an operation to capture him would have risked the lives of many servicemen and wasn't worth the risk - it would also be a PR disaster if lives were lost and he got away.


I'm generally not a fan of extra-judicial process but sometimes there are exception and this feels like one of them. Maybe I'm duplicitous in the application of my principles but I must admit that it brought a smile to my face when I heard he'd been killed... good riddance.


This. Totally agree.

Edited by sgtkate
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The British muslim ISIL fighter Mohammed Emwazi AKA Jihadi John who murdered western prisoners by beheading them with a knife on camera has been killed in a US drone strike that was apparently coordinated by UK forces.


I like the straight and crooked thinking bit like how he murdered and yet he was killed as if there was any difference.


State sponsored killings aren't nice but you can see how it is the only option sometimes.


Again that should read state sponsored murder.


Cameron says that it was an "act of self defence".


Corbyn says that he should have been arrested and tried in court.


It's all a big mess but who's right?


Neither of them. He should have been caught and filmed being beheaded, and then the footage put on the internet for all to see.

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Again that should read state sponsored murder.




No, sorry. We agree on many things, but this is a war and as such certain things take place that are unpalatable but required. Enemy soldiers are not murdered in war as long as Geneva convention is followed, and as the UN don't seem to be looking to arrest Cameron, I presume they must have been.


The marine who shot an unarmed militant did commit murder. Although to be honest even as an ex-Soldier I found a lot of the Geneva convention laws to be utterly bizarre and trying to turn something horrendous, immoral and fundamentally wrong, into something for gentlemen and women. Ridiculous. Protect civilians, go to the ends of the earth to do, but anyone picks up a weapon against you, then crack on.

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