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What did we do before Children in Need?

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So, going back to the original question, they used to go to church and organise charity through there. Like most church related activity this has been replaced by a large, commercial event.


Both the same really considering the wealth of the church. Maybe because of a lack of faith the commercial sector seized an opportunity.

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So, going back to the original question, they used to go to church and organise charity through there. Like most church related activity this has been replaced by a large, commercial event.


Whats your point?


The church used to be one of the centres of fundraising and charity as many people went to church, but now its a mor secular society.


Charity fund raising used to be less sophisticated and less co ordinated. No internet.


The chairtable sector was also smaller, with a lot of activities now done by charity that had previously been carried out by government.



These days the whole sector has changed so its easier to address national issues and thats most easily campaigned for using national media to communicate that message. Local events still happen like jumble sales, but they put things on ebay etc. CIN is more the co ordinating umbrella for thousands of sponsored walks runs, singathons, jumble sales etc up and down the country. Only a small portion is raised on the night.

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