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No Homeopathy on Prescription

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The Department of Health is considering banning GPs from prescribing homeopathic treatments in England. This is on the basis that they don't work and don't offer value for money. The Good Thinking Society seem to have forced the Government's hand by threatening a judicial review. The British Homeopathy Society have yet to comment on the proposal.


So, what say you? Is this a welcome move towards evidence based, scientifically rational medicine? Or, should GPs have the freedom to prescribe a well established set of treatments if they want to?


Link here, for anybody interested. Warning, contains fluffy, Leftie journalism

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What about the pills?:)

If you arrange them in a nice pile and add a few flowers, you'd get a perfectly agreeable still life composition for a bit of watercolour painting.

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Continue giving out sugar pills but describe them as strong antibiotics and watch the placebo effect as people go home, take them, get better naturally but think the medicine has done good.



That's just silly.

What these people need is Lily the Pink's medicinal compound. Most efficacious in every way.

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GP's should be allowed to prescribe placebos imo, but not expensive homeopathic ones, because that is of course all that they are.


so the doctor misdiagnoses you as being a hypochondriac instead of having a bad infection and gives you a placebo, hmm don't think the nhs will be giving out placebos hopefully.

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