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Shootings and explosions in Paris

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I bet you believe Iraq had WMD's dont you :hihi:

I bet you also believe that building 7 wasnt a controlled demolition dont you :hihi::hihi:

I also bet you believe a plane hit the Pentagon dont you :hihi::hihi::hihi:


If Iraq didn't have and WMDs, what did they use to gas the Kurds? The issue was, they didn't prove beyond reasonable doubt that they had got rid of those WMDs

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Just like that other imported Middle Eastern religion called Christianity?


I take it you follow the authentic British Pagan traditions?





Why is Russia not conquering country after country with this approach? HINT: The number of nuclear powers in the world is still quite small. Most countries don't have them. So what's stopping Russia?


The "still quite small" number of countries that do, that is what is stopping them :loopy:

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A lot of us knew the dangers of letting in hundreds of thousands of people. We simply don't know who they are.


We were warning of this a few months ago and shouted down as racist.


Those of us warning against the mass-immigration of 'refugees' into Europe have been proven to be right.

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Wake up sheeple!111!!! It must have been the illuminati / NWO / jooos because it says so on the David Icke Forum.


Thay said the same about Charlie Hebdo as well. And the Glasgow helicopter crash, oh and the Glasgow bin lorry. In fact anything that results in a number of civilian deaths is obviously an illuminati / masonic death ritual.


Mr Regret - we've had a number of bonkers conspiratoids on this forum (look up posts by vResistance and truthlogic).


They have managed to prove a big fat zero.


He was probably half of them :suspect:

That is of course just a theory of mine :hihi:

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If Iraq didn't have and WMDs, what did they use to gas the Kurds? The issue was, they didn't prove beyond reasonable doubt that they had got rid of those WMDs


i really dont think it mattered if they had them or not. bush was intent on invading and, for whatever reason, blair decided to support him regardless of the evidence or the consequences.

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Directly and indirectly and yes. There is

First one i came to



---------- Post added 14-11-2015 at 18:43 ----------



You seem quite angry for someone who is supposedly sure about what hes spouting :hihi:

Your credible link is from "ireport"

Maybe I should do write up on Wikipedia about the man on the moon,and then call it gospel eh?:hihi:

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A border the size of France's can't be controlled properly anyway. A better start would be to stop murdering Muslims and to monitor places of worship for incitefull speech.


Very poor taste in light of what happened yesterday. Muslims murdering Muslims in Lebanon, Muslims murdering absolutely anyone in France and us murdering a man who beheads people on TV.


In the interests of fairness do you accept that the British Army have killed more people than ISIS? Have you accept that then can you appreciate how to some people the British are a death cult that need to be wiped out?

You say "the British", out of interest runningman1, what nationality are you seeing as you are on Sheffield forum? Were you born here, did you come here , are you a different nationality or just someone enjoying this countries freedoms whilst taking exception to them?


What a load of poppycock, Muslims singers and dancers exist and I know a couple of gay Muslims who gave not been killed.

Moderate Muslims dont follow the religion to the extremes, maybe you should learn what moderate and extremist means before spouting crap about something you don't know..


Hmmm...bet none of those gay ones are in Saudi Arabia or thinking about it, any Islamic Country which probably means you know them here. So which country do your gay Muslim friends live in?


While you're at it, why not get the Catholic church to embrace birth control and homosexuality? How hard could it be?


The Catholic Church is just another bunch of people using religion to control people, just look at all the child abuse issues in that religion! There is no one looking down on you and certainly no virgins....which if you are a grown man looking for a virgin is another issue entirely. I really think anyone following the stories in these books, and that is all it is, a book, is quite backward.


Never said some of those thing did lol. Thats what i love about the general population. Some of you are so weak minded you believe what you are told on TV and the newspapers. You do know you just make my life easier dont you? Because people like you are going to be lambs to the slaughter and me and mine are going to be sitting pretty for a good long while. Enjoy your 'freedoms' whilst you have them.


Wow, may have missed something but is that a threat Mr regret? Who is me and mine?

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You say "the British", out of interest runningman1, what nationality are you seeing as you are on Sheffield forum? Were you born here, did you come here , are you a different nationality or just someone enjoying this countries freedoms whilst taking exception to them?


I actually said the British Army, not just the British.


I am as British as scones, tea, feeling superior to foreigners and partitioning nation states. I am also white, which is probably important to you. I was born in our fine nations capital.


What on earth makes you think I take exception to the freedoms I am lucky enough to be born into? I pointed out the fact thst the British Army have killed more people than ISIS and asked if it is possible that as a result of this, some people see us in the same way we see ISIS. Try to be rational and objective.

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A lot of us knew the dangers of letting in hundreds of thousands of people. We simply don't know who they are.


We were warning of this a few months ago and shouted down as racist.


Those of us warning against the mass-immigration of 'refugees' into Europe have been proven to be right.

It was a given that IS was passing fighters in with the genuine migrants. This attack is the tip of a big iceberg that just started to impact with the Titanic that Europe became this year. More to come, and my guess is here or Belgium next :(


Schengen is done for. As predicted.


Merkel is going to carry some of that atrocity on her political shoulders as well, if not her conscience.


There's some posters on here that must be eating humble pie by the truckload by now. For shame for them, for pity for all of us.


Hollande should have turned downtown Raqqa into an oversize car park (conventional ordnance, not nuke) as soon as he had confirmation IS were behind this. 10 Rafales loaded to the gills with an airborne tanker, level the place. Every next terrorist attack, level another IS city. Until there's just goat shacks left if it comes to it. But he hasn't got the balls, even after calling this an 'act if war' :mad:

Edited by L00b
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