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Shootings and explosions in Paris

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The fanatics will as they go on one at anything but the vast vast VAST majority dont give a toss. I drew Mo at worth the other week. It was a good picture that got some laughs and you know what? Some of my workmates are Muslim. Just for you info they dont care that i eat a bacon sandwich at work and not a single one has tried to cut my head off for being an infidel.

that might be because the muslims you work with have grown up with/accepted western values and go about their daily lives in peace. go to another country and try doing that there and you wouldn't get out alive :roll:

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that might be because the muslims you work with have grown up with/accepted western values and go about their daily lives in peace. go to another country and try doing that there and you wouldn't get out alive :roll:


Only one has lived here from birth. The other two are more recent visitors to our shores and as you haven't been 'there' i can only assume your assertion that i 'wouldnt get out alive' is just you making a guess.

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Only one has lived here from birth. The other two are more recent visitors to our shores and as you haven't been 'there' i can only assume your assertion that i 'wouldnt get out alive' is just you making a guess.
try telling that to the families of the Charlie hebdo attack in January after they printed the cartoon :huh:.
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Comments like this just make people more angry I'm afraid.


Firstly the blood of innocents has hardly dried on the streets after 130 people have been murdered by Islamic terrorists.That makes people angry.


Secondly we have the comments in the BBC vein of "Muslims fear backlash from right wing extremists", which people even more angry.


We have real victims lying dead in Paris morgues right now, but some white liberals rush to trot out the victimisation of Muslims line before their bodies are cold.


You are being irrational.


Most muslims are peaceful, law abiding normal people with homes, families, careers. The percentage of the muslim community that has become radicalised is low but we know we have a problem and we need to reduce it.


A crazy knee jerk reaction leading to a campaign of hate and increased intolerance is going to make things worse.


We have to trust the people leading our country on this. Successive governments have ensured measures are in place. Cameron has led quite well on these issues to be fair.


Don't blow a gasket. Stay calm and rational.

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