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Does any body have any reasonable suggestions as to what the western powers should be doing regarding IS differently from what they're doing now?


I'm not interested in what we should have done differently before as that's not useful right now.


Obviously what we're doing now, offering limited support to their opponents, is not getting the job done.


Should we leave IS to it? We know what they're doing to the people in the lands they occupy. It's beyond horrible. We can take steps to protect ourselves, they're costly but possible, but what about the people in and near IS territory?


Should we step things up and just do whatever it takes to destroy IS? There are bound to be a lot of civilian casualties.


Which is the lesser evil?

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Does any body have any reasonable suggestions as to what the western powers should be doing regarding IS differently from what they're doing now?


I'm not interested in what we should have done differently before as that's not useful right now.


Obviously what we're doing now, offering limited support to their opponents, is not getting the job done.


Should we leave IS to it? We know what they're doing to the people in the lands they occupy. It's beyond horrible. We can take steps to protect ourselves, they're costly but possible, but what about the people in and near IS territory?


Should we step things up and just do whatever it takes to destroy IS? There are bound to be a lot of civilian casualties.


Which is the lesser evil?



DA: Stop buying oil from from all the region..pull out completely inc business and commerce?

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Does any body have any reasonable suggestions as to what the western powers should be doing regarding IS differently from what they're doing now?


I'm not interested in what we should have done differently before as that's not useful right now.


Obviously what we're doing now, offering limited support to their opponents, is not getting the job done.


Should we leave IS to it? We know what they're doing to the people in the lands they occupy. It's beyond horrible. We can take steps to protect ourselves, they're costly but possible, but what about the people in and near IS territory?


Should we step things up and just do whatever it takes to destroy IS? There are bound to be a lot of civilian casualties.


Which is the lesser evil?


We were discussing this earlier over sunday dinner, and the subject of collateral damage came up. What an awful thought, but an undeniable solution to wipe this cancer off the face of the planet, and then work on the scum who crawl amongst us.

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We were discussing this earlier over sunday dinner, and the subject of collateral damage came up. What an awful thought, but an undeniable solution to wipe this cancer off the face of the planet, and then work on the scum who crawl amongst us.



Come on..not so awful surely. :roll:

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Does any body have any reasonable suggestions as to what the western powers should be doing regarding IS differently from what they're doing now?


I'm not interested in what we should have done differently before as that's not useful right now.


Obviously what we're doing now, offering limited support to their opponents, is not getting the job done.


Should we leave IS to it? We know what they're doing to the people in the lands they occupy. It's beyond horrible. We can take steps to protect ourselves, they're costly but possible, but what about the people in and near IS territory?


Should we step things up and just do whatever it takes to destroy IS? There are bound to be a lot of civilian casualties.


Which is the lesser evil?



There isnt an obvious solution, each one comes with pros and cons. Thats one of the strengths of ISIS and the weakness of the west.


1. Increase spend on counter terrorism. Its all very passive and expensive. Its very successful tbh there havent been that many atacjs and there are plenty according to the security services that have been foiled.

2. It would be nice if we could de radicalise, but it wold it stop matters completely as ISIS will always be able to infiltrate and the disaffected are always likely to feel like outsiders.

3. You cant ignore because as their aim is a global caliphate you will give them enough time just to get stronger.

4. Some time sooner or later the west will have to decide if it wants to go back and whether they wnat to or have to do it with the neighbours and maybe under UN authority. Theres about 30,000? You would also have to decide how much of your rules of engagement are concerned with civilian casualties. the cost is ££££ and dead military, which is something the west doesnt want unless severaly provoked. Its had its fill with Afghanistan and Iraq. Catty on wth attacks and it might have no choice becayse people wont wnat to be worried about attacks all the time.

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Does any body have any reasonable suggestions as to what the western powers should be doing regarding IS differently from what they're doing now?



Make the world a fairer place, where justice means something, and stop capitalisms rampant extremism.

Bring order to countries, instead of aid based on trade, aid is not working.

Make Israel and Palestine talk peace.

Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds for terrorist groups, so perhaps they hold the key to reducing terrorism?

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Does any body have any reasonable suggestions as to what the western powers should be doing regarding IS differently from what they're doing now?





Good question.


If there was an easy solution, I guess we would have tried it by now.


Defeating Daesh isn't really possible, all we can do is to reduce their relevance and power, whilst disrupting their communications and funding.


How that is achieved is almost impossible to say. Western millitary intervention won't work. It never does.


Maybe it is time to build a coalition of the willing to marginalise them. Daesh kill Muslims on an almost daily basis. That is the source of the stream of refugees. Maybe it is time that the governments of The UK, US, France and Germany sat down with leaders from Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East and planned to face down a common enemy. Daesh are a minority, we should be using the power of the majority to overcome them.


Easier said than done, I guess.

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