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Shootings and explosions in Paris

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Several police injured and unconfirmed reports that a 9th suspect has been killed by her suicide bomb.


If this turns out to be the mastermind, this Abdul Hamid guy then the intelligence (pictures of him in Syria) is all to ****.


Maybe they will stop underestimating ISIS online propaganda scope and tech capabilities.


Poor France. :(

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Heavy shooting has been heard in the northern Paris suburb of Saint Denis, as police continue a hunt for those involved in last Friday's attacks.

Police sources said the shooting was connected to the hunt for fugitives.

Focused on an apartment. Jeremy Corbyn won't be happy with that.


Why couldn't they have just sent them a letter with a fine instead?

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The central figure in Belgian militant Islamism is Fouad Belkacem, a 33-year-old preacher and founder of the group Sharia4Belgium. He was born in Belgium to Moroccan parents, and is a disciple of the British radical Islamist Anjem Choudary. Belkacem, who had been arrested for various petty crimes, organized burnings of American flags after 9/11 and harassed gay Muslims. Sharia4Belgium became a major feeder for fighters in Syria and Iraq, including Jejoen Bontinck, whom Ben Taub profiled in an excellent New Yorker story.


Choudary has been seen as a bit of a joke to many in the media, often wheeled out to be pointed and laughed at.


He's obviously not a joke to some stupid low-lives though.

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David Cameron has said 'the police should go right ahead and shoot a terrorist if it means saving lives'. If it's correct what you say it's another excellent reason for scrapping HR legislation and replacing it with 'Rights & Resonsibilities'.

Of course the lawyers love it, who wouldn't when it makes them millions?


When will people stop and read what was actually said rather than just jump in on Corbyn bashing eh? He said we should try to avoid a situation where we would need to shoot-to-kill in the first place. If that was unavoidable then we should try to arrest as a default. If that was not an option then other options of which shoot-to-kill was one would be open.


I'm struggling to see grounds to disagree here. Police do this every day with every situation they encounter. They don't run in and start shooting, they assess, and then if the safety to themselves and the public is too high to be controlled by other means they take a head shot. Corbyn is right, again, and the current policy is just fine as it is.


Anyway, sorry, wrong thread for this. I'll butt out now.


Glad the ambulance thing was simply a threat. Obviously it had to be taken seriously, how on earth could they not? Lets hope our world isn't constant bomb threats from now on as a way to disrupt.

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Several police injured and unconfirmed reports that a 9th suspect has been killed by her suicide bomb.


If this turns out to be the mastermind, this Abdul Hamid guy then the intelligence (pictures of him in Syria) is all to ****.


Maybe they will stop underestimating ISIS online propaganda scope and tech capabilities.


Poor France. :(


But they seem to have found them none the less.


But then if you wanted someone to drop their guard in Paris you might announce that you thought he was in Syria. Do you expect the intelligence services to share their opperations on social media?


---------- Post added 18-11-2015 at 09:54 ----------


Focused on an apartment. Jeremy Corbyn won't be happy with that.


Why couldn't they have just sent them a letter with a fine instead?


I think Corbyn continues to show that he is out of touch with the current state of our world.

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