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Shootings and explosions in Paris

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Syria has been a very nasty war zone for a number of years now. Paris might be a catalyst for more decisive action but it's hardly been sprung on us like Libya that rattled on at a phenomenal speed - areas being lost and won daily. Syria hasn't budged much at all. Just a lot of people dead, and now dead in the west, arguably because we haven't done anything worthwhile in four years.


I agree its terrible but this is about the worst time to be doing something just for the sake of doing something.


We seem to be getting very gung ho about just going in and bombing, just talking about shooting people. It's a slippery slope.


We need as coherent plan not just a series of actions that make people feel better.


---------- Post added 18-11-2015 at 19:37 ----------


That ringleader's dead by the sound of it. Good riddance. Blat blat.


It's would be better to lock him up in a cell and let him fester for 60 years.


Now he's a martyr

Edited by I1L2T3
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I agree its terrible but this is about the worst time to be doing something just for the sake of doing something.


We seem to be getting very gung ho about just going in and bombing, just talking about shooting people. It's a slippery slope.


We need as coherent plan not just a series of actions that make people feel better.


---------- Post added 18-11-2015 at 19:37 ----------



It's would be better to lock him up in a cell and let him fester for 60 years.


Now he's a martyr


Now he's dead (probably) - yes either would be fine by me. The 60 years in a cell on his own with no contact with other murderers and scum does sound like a good idea, but we are where we are. Not bothered either way for the piece of dogcrap.

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That ringleader's dead by the sound of it. Good riddance. Blat blat.


You're so like IS it would be laughable were it no so tragic.

No doubt you also applaud the bombing by France on Raqqa. 20 bombs. Do you believe they only killed IS fighters? Children and other innocents will have died too.

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You're so like IS it would be laughable were it no so tragic.

No doubt you also applaud the bombing by France on Raqqa. 20 bombs. Do you believe they only killed IS fighters? Children and other innocents will have died too.


Any thoughts on how we solve this conundrum then? You're big on what we shouldn't do but rather less vocal on what we should do.


---------- Post added 18-11-2015 at 20:03 ----------




I agree its terrible but this is about the worst time to be doing something just for the sake of doing something.


We seem to be getting very gung ho about just going in and bombing, just talking about shooting people. It's a slippery slope.


We need as coherent plan not just a series of actions that make people feel better.


---------- Post added 18-11-2015 at 19:37 ----------



It's would be better to lock him up in a cell and let him fester for 60 years.


Now he's a martyr


It would be better, of course it would, but he wasn't coming quietly. It would be better if he didn't organise the killing of 130 people but that ship has sailed too.


You are correct with some of rhetoric being used particularly by hollande. He needs to dial it down a notch even if his actions are broadly the same.

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Any thoughts on how we solve this conundrum then? You're big on what we shouldn't do but rather less vocal on what we should do.


We should talk and think more, use violence less. Use political clout rather than drop bombs. Promote unity and tolerance. Invest in equality. Love more, hate less.

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We should talk and think more, use violence less. Use political clout rather than drop bombs. Promote unity and tolerance. Invest in equality. Love more, hate less.


Do you think Isis want to talk? Do you think they are interested in political clout? Do you think they believe in tolerance?


Give us some practical examples of what Halibut would do.

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We should talk and think more, use violence less. Use political clout rather than drop bombs. Promote unity and tolerance. Invest in equality. Love more, hate less.


Serious question, if I paid for your ticket to go out to Syria and try and talk to some of the IsIs higher ups, would you go?

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You're so like IS it would be laughable were it no so tragic.

No doubt you also applaud the bombing by France on Raqqa. 20 bombs. Do you believe they only killed IS fighters? Children and other innocents will have died too.


No I'm not. One little bit. You don't think it's a good thing that he's dead? I do.


Bit scary those bombs - horrible collateral damage. Um where did I say I applaud them? Oh sorry, you're just making things up again and putting words in my mouth. You've done it before, no doubt you'll do it agin. Thankfully you're the joke of SF so you really aren't taken seriously.

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You're so like IS it would be laughable were it no so tragic.

No doubt you also applaud the bombing by France on Raqqa. 20 bombs. Do you believe they only killed IS fighters? Children and other innocents will have died too.


Yes, totally . Im sorry to burst your bubble, but you cannot sit down over tea and biscuits with these Islamic fruit cakes and ask them nicely to stop bombing innocent people , even though mad Jezza Corbyn thinks you can.


---------- Post added 18-11-2015 at 20:26 ----------


We should talk and think more, use violence less. Use political clout rather than drop bombs. Promote unity and tolerance. Invest in equality. Love more, hate less.


Please stop , my sides are splitting :hihi::hihi:

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