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Shootings and explosions in Paris

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We should talk and think more, use violence less. Use political clout rather than drop bombs. Promote unity and tolerance. Invest in equality. Love more, hate less.


You really must be seriously delusional. However, if you think this will work with ISIS, why don't you fly over to Syria and have a sit down chat with them?

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We should talk and think more, use violence less. Use political clout rather than drop bombs. Promote unity and tolerance. Invest in equality. Love more, hate less.


What political clout?


ISIS want us dead. That's all. They really don't care about much else.


It's very difficult to provide pressure when the other side really truly will only negotiate with an AK47. It leaves very little options. They have a powerbase that provides all they need. They are not especially dependant on outside soverign nations.


Go in, kill the leaders. I think that's about the only way It's going to get sorted. It's not like Iraq, or Afghanistan, it is one of those situations where it is more or less black and white, there are no shades of grey.

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We should talk and think more, use violence less. Use political clout rather than drop bombs. Promote unity and tolerance. Invest in equality. Love more, hate less.
I know that you don't believe that yourself and are only posting it for a reaction but you are partially right. However you cannot negotiate with someone whose terms are convert to my hadith or die.
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Cameron wants us to join Russia,France, and USA bombing Syria

As the RAF are the only airforce bombing Iraq. Why should it be

necessary for the UK to be the only nation bombing in two countries,

against the same enemy.

Edited by bazjea
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I agree with targeted strikes against Isis but when we also kill innocents in the collateral damage we risk creating more terrorists.

The west has the technology to carry out precise targeted strikes so needs to use it...

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I know that you don't believe that yourself and are only posting it for a reaction but you are partially right. However you cannot negotiate with someone whose terms are convert to my hadith or die.


I absolutely believe all of those things. Which part of what I said do you think is such a challenging concept?

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Shall we all have a whip round for some bus fare so we can send Halibut to Syria on some special Sheffield Forum peace envoy mission. He can promote unity and tolerance and give those running the show within ISIS a big hug.


He could introduce Morris dancing to them.:hihi:

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