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Shootings and explosions in Paris

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Crap soldier? Very harsh. Read this from the telegraph.


"It is hard to imagine the daily pressures faced by Blackman and the 15 men under his command as they performed their duties at Command Post Omar - a remote compound at the very frontline of the UK’s efforts to wrest back Helmand from the tyranny of the Taliban.


Undermanned and overstretched, the Marines lived for six months in a cramped mud-brick enclosure, patrolling for up ten hours a day and living with the constant threat of buried IED bombs and attack. Seven Marines from 42 Commando were killed during this tour and after one IED explosion, soldiers from the unit found body parts of British troops deliberately hung from a tree to taunt them.


A psychiatric report on Blackman, presented only after his conviction, found that he and his men had been under near-intolerable stress. At sentencing, the court martial conceded it was likely the Marine had been suffering “to some degree from combat stress disorder”.


You are right, that was a harsh thing to say. But he undermines everything it means to be a soldier and it angers me. That said the support network for soldiers affected by war is totally inadequate and hopefully the report that came out during his court case will help to change things about how we treat men and women in war zones.


---------- Post added 19-11-2015 at 16:39 ----------


What happened to my enemy's enemy is my friend like we used to have? Made things so much simpler.


I thought that was what got us in the mess in the first place!

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You are right, that was a harsh thing to say. But he undermines everything it means to be a soldier and it angers me. That said the support network for soldiers affected by war is totally inadequate and hopefully the report that came out during his court case will help to change things about how we treat men and women in war zones.


---------- Post added 19-11-2015 at 16:39 ----------



I thought that was what got us in the mess in the first place!


But if I understood a previous post the situation 15 marines found themselves in is what you were suggesting we do in Syria (if I've got the wrong end of the stick I apologise)

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---------- Post added 19-11-2015 at 15:42 ----------




Who shot an unarmed man? His life wasn't at stake at that point at all. He shot him out of malice and anger and frankly he's a crap soldier for doing so. He wasn't defending us, he was carrying out his own 'revenge'. Not acceptable.


However, Geneva convention is an odd idea really. How can you have rules for what is effectively murder? Sometimes wars are the only way and that's rubbish but they way of life. The aim of war is to win. Geneva convention should protect innocents and civilians and anything else should be pretty much fair game, otherwise it's just trying to make it all into a nice game which ends with a cup of tea and a biscuit.


are you serious??? a crap soldier?? really? nothing to do with revenge more to do with getting rid of another danger to themselves under intolerable circumstances! he only did eactly what the would have been done to him in reversed situation and good on him he should have a medal not a jail sentance:roll:#

the Geneva convention is now obsolete, this is not the time for rules and niceties

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Why not halibut? We fight with rules they don't.It's like getting into the boxing ring with one hand tied up.


Because we're better than them.


We could quite easily carpet bomb Raqqa for example and probably wipe it off the map; this would involve killing thousands of completely innocent men, women and children.


You might think that's Ok, I certainly don't.

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So you're advocating that we sink to the same level as IS?


When you are fighting an enemy that dosnt play by the rules, you fight fire with fire.


Sitting down with these animals and having a cosy chat over tea and scones isnt going to work , even though you and mad Jezza Corybn think it is the way forward.

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Because we're better than them.


We could quite easily carpet bomb Raqqa for example and probably wipe it off the map; this would involve killing thousands of completely innocent men, women and children.


You might think that's Ok, I certainly don't.


Why are we better than them? The reason is why I would bomb them out of existence.You would no doubt give them a good talking to.

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Why not halibut? We fight with rules they don't.It's like getting into the boxing ring with one hand tied up.


So... what then makes us different to them? If we throw morality and ethics out the window, we can hardly claim the moral high ground.


And of course, people always think that this approach is unique to them. We're the "good guys" who are forced to fight fire with fire. And of course, everyone else in the world sees themselves as the villains and would never try to rationalize their actions using the same self-righteous justification.


Of course not.

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Why are we better than them? The reason is why I would bomb them out of existence.You would no doubt give them a good talking to.


You so do not get the situation. The battle is for Muslims hearts and minds. Western consumerism is tempting the islamic followers away, so ISIS wants to create conflict between the West and Muslims to polarise opinions and draw their followers back.


They also want the West to act disproportionately to suggest that out values and ethics are nothing more than a sham.


We will win this conflict by sticking to our principles, if we break our values and traditions ISIS will win.

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