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Shootings and explosions in Paris

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Here you go Eric - what about a data base and id cards for muslims ?


If its good enough for a Republican Presidential candidate (who rather worryingly might actually get the nomination) I am sure it will find favour :)


My initial thought when I read about it this morning was that Trump is a bigger idiot than I first thought. Having then read a bit more it looks like he might not have said what you think he said. I haven't caught up on the story since so you might know more than me.


Help us out here, did he actually say there should be a database of all Muslims in the USA?

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And? What's your point?

The ISIL Caliphate is an Islam problem

I did too until I spent a bit of time reading up about ISIL and their motivations.


Just to save me a bit of time, where did you find out their motives ?

I wonder if their 'caliph' wasn't interred for a year (as a civilian no less) would he have come out the other side in the same guise...


So who do they represent then ,

They represent themselves and others like them... obv :rolleyes:

Edited by psynuk
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You haven't thought this through. You are understandably putting your modern society ideas onti the situation and ariving at the wrong conclusion. I did too until I spent a bit of time reading up about ISIL and their motivations.


What a "normal Muslim" thinks is irrelevant. ISIL have set up what they truly believe is the new Isamic Caliphate under a rightous Calpih. To them, your so called "true Muslims" are apostates who should be killed because they don't implement the Koran properly, crucifixions, slavery, and all. As far as the Caliphate is concerned it is the duty of Muslims to join the Caliphate. They WANT war, it is in the book that it will happen. It's exactly the same as other death cults like the Branch Davidians.


To repeat, they WANT a war. It is their purpose. They don't want to negotiate for land. They want God on earth and they know that most of them will die in the process. This isn't like other conflicts, it's not politics, it's eternal life they are seeking. It is a problem of Islam.


You need to understand how the enemy thinks, not your friends who cherry pick the bits they like from the same holy book. The ISIL Caliphate is an Islam problem, even if that idea feels uncomfortable.


If they want a war then let's not give them the one they want.


Make it a war of containment, of attrition. Just grinding unspectacular economic and military attrition.


Let's not make it a crusade.

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I have no idea what a "normal Muslim" is supposed to be. ISIL believe that they are true Muslims. What's your point?


Well, It would seem you haven't a clue what the hell you're on about..you can't even define a Muslim...what a shocking and disappointing revelation that is.


Personally I don't give a toss what ISIL think they are..they are in a tiny minority, albeit a murderous minority. You profess women and children are traveling out there..good point i'll give you that (probably forced overall by the nutty insecure husband). Although you did forget to mention the hundreds of thousands fleeing and passing them by ..are they all fanatically mad?..could it be just fanatically mad to put distance between them and the headbangers.


What about Turkey? Why aren't their 90% Muslim citizens crossing their border into the new Raqqah Mecca..or Jordan, Egypt Saudi, Iran...the 1.57 billion Muslims crossing in their hoards on inflatables to get to hell on Earth.


Haven't you heard? Their all making a beeline for Europe..not Raqqah ya numpty.

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The kinds of youngsters who are at risk of being radicalised ( according to the government ) are those who experience the following -


• family tensions

• a sense of isolation

• migration

• distance from cultural heritage

• experience of racism or discrimination

• feeling of failure etc.


Therefore, we need to think about tackling these kinds of issues.


lets hear your thoughts on how this is going to happen then ?

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