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75th Anniversary of the Sheffield Blitz

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Was really looking forward to this event. I sent an enthusiastic email to the organisers only to get back the crappy message 'all tickets have gone'. No addressee or signature on the reply.


The lack of advertising is in typical Sheffield fashion. There only seems to be a Facebook page.


Organisation seems a bit shoddy.


I can see the lights now. Didn't head in to town following that response. Can't hear any sirens though.

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I blacked out for two minutes as a mark of respect. None of my neighbours did. Street lights were still on which is not very good :( I thought I might have heard the extremely faint inkling of a siren but saw no lights in the sky. Just heard lots of ambulances.


I am very glad they marked the event as it is an extremely important event and I am pleased that they have risen the profile of commemorating what happened but the council should have taken a role and it should have been bigger so more people could be involved and better publicised.

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Not bad, the lights were good, if a little on the flickering side then again they are 75+ year old.

There was a small hand wound siren there but I could only hear it to about Atkinsons as the whole event was down a side street.


But all in all glad to know the event was marked

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