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Open borders refugee crisis vs ISIL terrorists

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Mods, I'll try again, this topic is about the effect of terrorism on refugees and open borders, not the Paris shootings or even the refugee crisis. Thanks for understanding.



That's it then. It looks like ISIL terrorists have walked from Syria, through Greece, into France to help kill over a hundred innocent people. They said that they were doing this but the EU kept receiving anyone that turned up, usually without valid ID. Now at least one of those people seems to have mass murder on their mind as they travelled.


Now what?


It was looking like the Schengen Agreement open borders were dead and buried a few days ago with EU nations introducing border controls to stem teh tide of "refugees". This latest development makes it looks more likely


There doesn't seem to be easy or quick solution, but here are a few suggestions worth discussing.

  1. Australian style offshore internment camps.
  2. Turn everyone away unless they can somehow prove that they are genuine refugees.
  3. Create a refugee militia to go back and fight ISIL / Assad / Russia
  4. Pressure Saudi Arabia / UAE / etc to take the refugees
  5. Something else.

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Mods, I'll try again, this topic is about the effect of terrorism on refugees and open borders, not the Paris shootings or even the refugee crisis. Thanks for understanding.



That's it then. It looks like ISIL terrorists have walked from Syria, through Greece, into France to help kill over a hundred innocent people. They said that they were doing this but the EU kept receiving anyone that turned up, usually without valid ID. Now at least one of those people seems to have mass murder on their mind as they travelled.


Now what?


It was looking like the Schengen Agreement open borders were dead and buried a few days ago with EU nations introducing border controls to stem teh tide of "refugees". This latest development makes it looks more likely


There doesn't seem to be easy or quick solution, but here are a few suggestions worth discussing.

  1. Australian style offshore internment camps.
  2. Turn everyone away unless they can somehow prove that they are genuine refugees.
  3. Create a refugee militia to go back and fight ISIL / Assad / Russia
  4. Pressure Saudi Arabia / UAE / etc to take the refugees
  5. Something else.


1. If there were internment camps, then they would just smuggle themselves in another way.

2. then you will have a humanitarian crisis on the borders, which will be bad for the countries concerned. Greece and Turkey or the Balkans. They will just respond by letting people move north.

3. Militia impractical unless they wanted to fight when in fact they wnat to esape the fighting.

4. You could try pressuring them, but they have rather more influence the other way.

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How do you know this wasn't committed by a bunch of disillusioned nutters living in Paris? Seems far more likely to me.




"ATHENS, Nov 14 (Reuters) - The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night's attacks in Paris passed though Greece in October, a Greek minister said."

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No's 1,2 and 3 are ridiculous, immoral and impractical. 4 and 5 might be worth talking about.


Why are offshore internment camps immoral ?


Seems the perfect solution to me .


The migrants never set foot on Blighty

They are controlled and cant go walkabouts and disappear into communities

If there are terrorists among them , they cant go round murdering people.


What not to like ?


---------- Post added 14-11-2015 at 19:15 ----------




"ATHENS, Nov 14 (Reuters) - The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night's attacks in Paris passed though Greece in October, a Greek minister said."


Proof then that terrorists are passing themselves off as migrants and taking advantage of the EU`s moronic open borders policy.

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Why are offshore internment camps immoral ?


Seems the perfect solution to me .


The migrants never set foot on Blighty

They are controlled and cant go walkabouts and disappear into communities

If there are terrorists among them , they cant go round murdering people.


What not to like ?


What ever could you mean by communities that they can "disappear" into???? Are you saying that there are people that would hide them??? Dear oh dear, and heres me thinking everyone here hates terrorists, hmmmmmm.

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I was watching Sky News a few hours ago and Kay Burley reported that the authorities have linked one of the 'attackers' to Greece. He was a 'refugee' that registered in Greece in August and was an ISIS terrorist.


I and other users on here were warning of this possibility and were shouted down or dismissed as 'racist' - I doubt I'll get an apology but at least I know I was in the right.


It makes me wonder how many more 'Muslim' terrorists are out there.


What this terrorist attack demonstrates is the need to re-introduce border controls to EU nationals. We can introduce visas and carry out checks into a visitors background. Open borders do not work and never will!!

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I read one was an extremist from France known to the security services, some others where from Brussels and there's the Syrian one plus a few others I'm not sure where they're from. one of the others is supposed to have had an Egyptian passport but haven't seen any confirmation of that.

Edited by dangerousedd
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I read one was an extremist from France known to the security services, some others where from Brussels and there's the Syrian one plus a few others I'm not sure where they're from.


I forgot to say he was from Syria in my previous post.

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