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Open borders refugee crisis vs ISIL terrorists

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It's common sense for all EU countries to reintroduce all border controls even though it's like closing the stable doors after the horses has bolted .


Also what's the betting a number of the murderers have been detained for terrorist offences in the past and released from captivity like in the Charlie Hebdo attacks earlier this year ?


I think they will introduce some and do some random checking, but unlikely to go back completely to separate border controls. Slows down trade and movement for everyone else and at the moment its one attack, so it will take a lot more and in other countries for them to ditch Schengen.


Your only alternative will be internement camps like they did in WW2.


ofc if it got really bad and escalated then the Wesy will have to decide what it wants to do about ISIS itself.

Edited by 999tigger
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It's common sense for all EU countries to reintroduce all border controls even though it's like closing the stable doors after the horses has bolted .


Also what's the betting a number of the murderers have been detained for terrorist offences in the past and released from captivity like in the Charlie Hebdo attacks earlier this year ?


So how do you suggest that France closes it's borders then? Barbed wire, dog patrols etc?

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Of all the horrible things about the most horrible attack on mainly very young people enjoying an innocent night out in Paris, is the discovery that one of the murderers is possibly a Syrian refugee via Greece. Isis is a death cult with no respect for humanity. One of those unspeakable swines has now tainted the terrified Syrian refugee community, who tonight, must be weeping with fear, alongside the people of Paris, who are weeping with grief.

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When they Travelled from Turkey to Greece and then left Greece. They are no longer 'refugees' So cannot claim Asylum in Europe or the UK.


When Cameron said that he will only take Refugees from the official camps he was lambasted by the looney left.


We need to seal up our borders and bring in tougher controls on immigration.

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"ATHENS, Nov 14 (Reuters) - The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night's attacks in Paris passed though Greece in October, a Greek minister said."


Strange how these terrorists who go out to kill and then blow themselves up...always tend to leave a passport to be found in all the chaos and anarchy.


They must be using the same passport maker the 9/11 hijackers used..you know, the ones that can survive a fireball and be found in the rubble.;)

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So how do you suggest that France closes it's borders then? Barbed wire, dog patrols etc?


I said all EU countries should reintroduce border controls . At the moment it is clearly too easy for Non EU terrorists to get into the EU and move between members countries . Other EU countries have recently erected barbed wire fences and use dog patrols etc so I think your suggestion has some merit .

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When you get an EU leader (Merkel) inviting half the world to mainland Europe, you kinda guessed at the time that there might be some 'undesireable's' amongst the hordes that arrived.

When you invite the people and then let them arrive in unchecked bypassing border controls, asylum procedures etc its beyond beggars belief.

The EU was always asking for trouble. And it seems it has already arrived. Well done Merkel, well done the EU.

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There are many that see this as no suprise, they have warned us it would happen and it has, this problem is being left unchecked to weaken the syrians for western gain, now we have a huge welcoming mat for isis terrorists and only an idiot would fail to take advantage of that.


We have these people in our society, our values being washed away with our national identity, all in the name of multi culturalism. There is a reason many cultures arose, and now they are clashing in a very dangerous way.


Facism is only a public backing away.

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Strange how these terrorists who go out to kill and then blow themselves up...always tend to leave a passport to be found in all the chaos and anarchy.


They must be using the same passport maker the 9/11 hijackers used..you know, the ones that can survive a fireball and be found in the rubble.;)



The insinuation in such words leaves me with despair.

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