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Open borders refugee crisis vs ISIL terrorists

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what checks can they do?


ask if a person is a terrorist?


terrorists come from all over the world and are home grown, checks, random or not, are pointless


Presumably the type they are doing at the moment when they closed the border. I think if you are a terrorist you will find whats to circumvent controls easily. As you sau and ive said already the majority so far have been homegrown and already here.


Reintroducing full border controls will be expensive and will hamper free movement between countries for millions in an attempt to make it inconvenient for a few. Its up to the Schengen countries and I dont think its a viable option at the moment.

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Strange how these terrorists who go out to kill and then blow themselves up...always tend to leave a passport to be found in all the chaos and anarchy.


They must be using the same passport maker the 9/11 hijackers used..you know, the ones that can survive a fireball and be found in the rubble.;)


Weird isn't it? Jermaine Lindsay's passport, which he inexplicably took on his one way trip from Luton to London, survived the blast when he blew himself up. As did Mohammed Atta's when it fell out of the sky and conveniently landed in a New York street, from an impact that burned hot enough to melt steel. And now this person.


Not forgetting, of course, the Charlie Hebdo assailant who, despite operating in a manner that police described as militarily competent, took his ID card and left it in the get away vehicle. And now this fella, who blew himself up outside the Stade de France but took his passport with him to do so. And it survived the blast. All I can say is they must make their passports out of more robust stuff than ours, cos one of mine got chewed by a dog once and she totalled it. I'm sure it wouldn't have survived a suicide bomb.

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I don't think they can do anything. If Le Pen becomes PM in 2017, then you'll see changes to border controls. I shudder to think.


Why would you shudder ?


Europe MUST stop this open borders madness once and for all. EVERY European country must have control of its own borders and the right to refuse entry to whoever it wants.


Continuing this policy of people being able to wander where ever they want will just lead to more terrorist attacks.

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"Two men who French police are seeking to identify in connection with the Paris attacks registered as migrants with Greek authorities earlier this year, the Greek police confirmed on Saturday.


French authorities had asked their Greek counterparts to check a passport and fingerprints of one man who died in the attacks and the fingerprints of another.


Both were thought to have registered in Greece, the main entry point into Europe for Syrian refugees.


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"Two men who French police are seeking to identify in connection with the Paris attacks registered as migrants with Greek authorities earlier this year, the Greek police confirmed on Saturday.


French authorities had asked their Greek counterparts to check a passport and fingerprints of one man who died in the attacks and the fingerprints of another.


Both were thought to have registered in Greece, the main entry point into Europe for Syrian refugees.


at least twice it said "possible"

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French citizens arrested in Belgium in conjunction with the attacks.


Concert hall attacker described as ordinary-looking small white European male.


I think the way this attack was put together is going to surprise a lot of people

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