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Open borders refugee crisis vs ISIL terrorists

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...even more now that no/little checks have been in force/made over the influx of over a million "refugees":rant:


By the use of quotes around "refugees" I take it that you're implying that they are in some way not genuine?


Has it perhaps not occurred to you that the sort of people who carried out the Paris attacks are precisely the kind of people the refugees are trying to escape from?


Complicated stuff I know. :rolleyes:

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Mods, I'll try again, this topic is about the effect of terrorism on refugees and open borders, not the Paris shootings or even the refugee crisis. Thanks for understanding.


Oh yes it is...



That's it then. It looks like ISIL terrorists have walked from Syria, through Greece, into France to help kill over a hundred innocent people.



Internment camps for hundreds of thousands of innocents for the sake of a few headbangers? You do of course mean prison?:gag:



Love your 1st few words btw...just how Brown can your tongue get.

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French citizens arrested in Belgium in conjunction with the attacks.


Concert hall attacker described as ordinary-looking small white European male.


I think the way this attack was put together is going to surprise a lot of people



Domestic networks for logistics, weapons and equipment, some local footsoldiers, and now that they've got more footsoldiers through with the migrants this summer and have got numbers in places for a proper campaign they're getting into gear.


I'm expecting many more such attacks in weeks and months to come :(

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Domestic networks for logistics, weapons and equipment, some local footsoldiers, and now that they've got more footsoldiers through with the migrants this summer and have got numbers in places for a proper campaign they're getting into gear.


I'm expecting many more such attacks in weeks and months to come :(


Why France though? This is third terrorist attack in a year. They aren't really the senior partners in all this, and they aren't letting in as many as Germany, or indeed Sweden. Is it just easier for terrorists there than here or the US?

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Why France though? This is third terrorist attack in a year. They aren't really the senior partners in all this, and they aren't letting in as many as Germany, or indeed Sweden. Is it just easier for terrorists there than here or the US?


This article may be a good indicator of why France may be getting targeted by the Extremists = http://uk.businessinsider.com/paris-attacks-why-terrorists-target-france-2015-11?r=US&IR=T

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Why France though? This is third terrorist attack in a year. They aren't really the senior partners in all this, and they aren't letting in as many as Germany, or indeed Sweden. Is it just easier for terrorists there than here or the US?


Run by the [quite-far] left perhaps?


Deemed an easier target and the perfect way to push people into right-wing views? Perhaps even right across Europe.


How better to raise numbers?

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Run by the [quite-far] left perhaps?


Deemed an easier target and the perfect way to push people into right-wing views? Perhaps even right across Europe.


How better to raise numbers?

I may be wrong, but if IS want to avoid a confrontation with the west....which I doubt they had better not play into the hands of pushing the west into far right wing ideology. My belief is IS want a full on boots on the ground holy war. The left to middle ground won't be sucked into that...the far right are itching...which is ironic when you consider you don't get more far right than IS.

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By the use of quotes around "refugees" I take it that you're implying that they are in some way not genuine?


Has it perhaps not occurred to you that the sort of people who carried out the Paris attacks are precisely the kind of people the refugees are trying to escape from?


Complicated stuff I know. :rolleyes:



Has it not occurred to you that, as well as genuine refugees, there were also a very high proportion of economic migrants from countries not even involved in war, and even just a tiny proportion of ISIS sleepers?


Complicated stuff I know.


Rather than a big open door, Europe should have secured her borders and thoroughly vetted everyone in safe camps OUTSIDE of Europe, much like the UK is trying to do thanks to Cameron and despite pressure from other European leaders.

Edited by WiseOwl182
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Has it not occurred to you that, as well as genuine refugees, there were also a very high proportion of economic migrants from countries not even involved in war, and even just a tiny proportion of ISIS sleepers?


Complicated stuff I know.


Rather than a big open door, Europe should have secured her borders and thoroughly vetted everyone in safe camps OUTSIDE of Europe, much like the UK is trying to do thanks to Cameron and despite pressure from other European leaders. Blood on their hands.


Do you think that Europe would have been able to close it's borders tight enough to stop the people coming in who want to do harm?

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Do you think that Europe would have been able to close it's borders tight enough to stop the people coming in who want to do harm?


I don't know. There's no easy answers I know. I think it should've been tried though, even some level of effectiveness is better than none. I just fear for the world we're living in now. This latest tragedy has really shaken me. I know that's exactly what the terrorists want but I'm only human.

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