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Business Owner arrested for No Muslims sign

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I1L2T3, I accept your geopolitical analysis, but

The required response is obvious: containment.
The expected failure of that response is equally obvious, because Interweb.


Even if we managed to work with Assad, Putin, Erdogan and the Kurds (even Iran nowadays) and contain military gains of IS in Syria and neighbouring areas, that isn't going to contain fundamentalist activity which is ever-increasing in ever more hotspots around the globe.


Even if we managed to neutralise IS...just like Al Qaeda before it, the hydra will just spout another head, et bis repetita.


I don't have a global solution. Other than out-terrorising the terrorists, which has always been my recommendation, so that they themselves limit the fight to their primary area of operation (because it would "cost" them too much to export it) and leave the rest of the world alone.

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This is still true at the moment. It's why the West is still so hands off in Syria, which in turn has allowed ISIS to become so emboldened.


I think eventually this will tip and I think that tipping point is coming, because dreadfully I think that ISIS will eventually target the softest target of all.


I don't think that it will tip.


Vietnam came after some serious anti-communist propaganda lasting years. Remember that we're talking about a time when the population was told that the world was never more than 30 minutes away from nuclear Armageddon.


With all this going on in the background, America still tired of the war.

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Religious discrimination is illegal. Even if she was doing it surreptitiously, still illegal if she's caught.


Getting caught was inevitable for her. If she had an issue with Muslims then there are ways she could have discriminated against them and not get caught. She could have said she was booked up for starters. Shes obviously got a gob on her so like i said getting caught was a sure thing.


---------- Post added 16-11-2015 at 11:40 ----------


Blaming all Muslims for the terrorist acts that ISIS are doing is like blaming all Germans for Hitler and all "Christians" for the KKK. You can't tar a religion with the same brush as those who radicalise it.


All very true but some people do and always will. Lets not forget Muslims are the new bogey men so its going to be a tough time for some in the coming years.

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The West will end up banning Islam. It will be in the future but they will. I'm not saying its right, but I think it will happen.


Never ever in a million years. Why would the west think we can ban something like a religion. You cant ban religion and if anyone tries banning Islam then they are onto a loser.

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I1L2T3, I accept your geopolitical analysis, but The expected failure of that response is equally obvious, because Interweb.


Even if we managed to work with Assad, Putin, Erdogan and the Kurds (even Iran nowadays) and contain military gains of IS in Syria and neighbouring areas, that isn't going to contain fundamentalist activity which is ever-increasing in ever more hotspots around the globe.


Even if we managed to neutralise IS...just like Al Qaeda before it, the hydra will just spout another head, et bis repetita.


I don't have a global solution. Other than out-terrorising the terrorists, which has always been my recommendation, so that they themselves limit the fight to their primary area of operation (because it would "cost" them too much to export it) and leave the rest of the world alone.


I agree Loob, geographical containment is only part of the solution. It is an important part of the solution though.


Where extremist groups are allowed to control territory that territory acts as a magnet for other extremists. It's like a focal point that draws people towards it. We need to cut them off. Cut off supply lines. Isolate them and cut them off from the world.


As for the online war that will go on for years. No easy answer.


In Europe it should be clear we have badly messed up. We see it in every country: immigrants have not integrated fully and are economically disenfranchised. I think France is the worst country I have seen for it, especially for young second generation immigrants.


The other part of fixing all this is economic inclusion because I strongly believe that once people are economically successful they are much less likely to become involved in extremism. That is a huge multi-generational challenge for all of Europe.

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I1L2T3, I accept your geopolitical analysis, but The expected failure of that response is equally obvious, because Interweb.


Even if we managed to work with Assad, Putin, Erdogan and the Kurds (even Iran nowadays) and contain military gains of IS in Syria and neighbouring areas, that isn't going to contain fundamentalist activity which is ever-increasing in ever more hotspots around the globe.


Even if we managed to neutralise IS...just like Al Qaeda before it, the hydra will just spout another head, et bis repetita.


I don't have a global solution. Other than out-terrorising the terrorists, which has always been my recommendation, so that they themselves limit the fight to their primary area of operation (because it would "cost" them too much to export it) and leave the rest of the world alone.


Have we EVER managed to out terrorise the terrorists? Most groups governments have come against have sat down with them eventually. If we'd taken your idea in the 70s Dublin would have been a smoking ruin.


Realistically three things are going to happen - western boots on the ground, Russian boots on the ground or the west in particular will just let Syria and Iraq go to seed. Corbyn is right to an extent - air strikes have a limited effect. We need to do much more.

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Never ever in a million years. Why would the west think we can ban something like a religion. You cant ban religion and if anyone tries banning Islam then they are onto a loser.


I meant closing Mosques. Not putting any public money in. Banning the Koran etc.. I think this because the situation is going to get a lot worse.

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I meant closing Mosques. Not putting any public money in. Banning the Koran etc.. I think this because the situation is going to get a lot worse.


Pushing Muslims away from us and attacking their faith is the exact opposite of what we need to do.

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