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Business Owner arrested for No Muslims sign

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The West will end up banning Islam. It will be in the future but they will. I'm not saying its right, but I think it will happen.


Exactly how do you do this? Youve outdone yourself Mike.


No they wont, freedom of religion is a 1st ammendment right and its also covered by the ECHR and Human Rights act.


Besides being illegal it would be impossible to enforce.

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Pushing Muslims away from us and attacking their faith is the exact opposite of what we need to do.


Exactly how do you do this? Youve outdone yourself Mike.


No they wont, freedom of religion is a 1st ammendment right and its also covered by the ECHR and Human Rights act.


Besides being illegal it would be impossible to enforce.


I am not saying I want to do it and I'm not saying I know how to do it but I think one day we will ban Islam.


I think we will continue to be in conflict and the latest attacks will continue. Politics is already going to the right. This will continue.


Le Penn will probably win in France and Eastern Europe is going to the right. We will follow suit and will continue to elect right wing until we reach the stage when it will be possible to ban Islam with the country's support.


If you did a poll today I reckon 50% would vote to ban it now. A bit of a knee jerk reaction admittedly. But I honestly feel the tipping point has been reached......

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But that doesn't mean that ANY religion can be practiced. The law says:


"The freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others."

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But that doesn't mean that ANY religion can be practiced. The law says:


"The freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others."


They could change the law.


It would be wrong and I support moderate Muslims. Its the extremists causing all the trouble.


Its just just the way I see politics going.


There's no opposition to the tories and they'll continue to go to the right...


The best thing what could happen if for Corbyn to be a disaster at the polls and removed and someone like Liz Kendal winning the leadership race.


I'd vote for her. I wouldn't vote for Corbyn because it would be bad for the party.


---------- Post added 16-11-2015 at 12:15 ----------


Pushing Muslims away from us and attacking their faith is the exact opposite of what we need to do.


I agree..............


---------- Post added 16-11-2015 at 12:17 ----------


No it won't, you cannot have a liberal democracy without religious freedom.


I dont think we'll have a Liberal Democracy in the future..

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I am not saying I want to do it and I'm not saying I know how to do it but I think one day we will ban Islam.


I think we will continue to be in conflict and the latest attacks will continue. Politics is already going to the right. This will continue.


Le Penn will probably win in France and Eastern Europe is going to the right. We will follow suit and will continue to elect right wing until we reach the stage when it will be possible to ban Islam with the country's support.


If you did a poll today I reckon 50% would vote to ban it now. A bit of a knee jerk reaction admittedly. But I honestly feel the tipping point has been reached......


Why on earth would we ban it? It wouldnt be effective it would just cause more disruption, force it unerground and make the situaion worse by increasing resentment. ISIS are just some people who have hijacked Islam and represent only a tiny % of Muslims.


Would you ban christianity or catholicism for when the IRA were attacking or when the Nazis were doing their worst in WW2. Its not a tipping point its a few terrorist attacks and nothing like the casualties that were happening every day in WW2.

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In Europe it should be clear we have badly messed up. We see it in every country: immigrants have not integrated fully and are economically disenfranchised. I think France is the worst country I have seen for it, especially for young second generation immigrants.
It's just as bad in Germany (particularly former East-), Italy and in Belgium, and don't mention Poland or the new EU accession states wherein that issue is far, far worse.


But objectively, at least so far as France is concerned, I see it as a 50/50 issue: 50% down to failing socio-economic policies that have fostered state dependency and destroyed economic activity and potential, 50% down to immigrant populations failing to integrate for socio-cultural reasons (whether deliberately so or not).


Immigrant "ghettoes" in banlieues (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, others) are nothing new, they've been around for decades. The State has long tried and tried and tried, but it can only go so far, short of dispersing people in authoritarian fashion.


Just like the UK, France has long fostered multiculturalism on the basis of its colonial past, for decades before the current open borders/immigration debate even started (or the one about EE migrants years before ).


Unlike the UK however, France has always been far more prescriptive in the matter in the name of republicanism, particularly secularism: more of a "our way or the highway" over there than over here, in a nutshell. Witness the burqa ban, to use a glaring example of the principle.

The other part of fixing all this is economic inclusion because I strongly believe that once people are economically successful they are much less likely to become involved in extremism. That is a huge multi-generational challenge for all of Europe.

Have we EVER managed to out terrorise the terrorists?
We all (liberal democracies) did in WW2. The UK did in the Falklands. :|


Less glibly: we've never tried, and probably never will, because we're the civilised side. And yes, I am aware of the irony ;)

If we'd taken your idea in the 70s Dublin would have been a smoking ruin.
The Republic to the south never had anything to do with the IRA, so no. Some quarters of Belfast though...

Realistically three things are going to happen - western boots on the ground, Russian boots on the ground or the west in particular will just let Syria and Iraq go to seed. Corbyn is right to an extent - air strikes have a limited effect. We need to do much more.
For all that, agreed with the above. Edited by L00b
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Some of the extreme Muslim groups are banned. We should stop giving tax breaks and stop funding religious schools.


Thats a group, which is different from a whole religion. Can you not see how ridiculous a suggestion it is? They are banned not becayse of their religion but becayse of their activities.

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Why on earth would we ban it? It wouldnt be effective it would just cause more disruption, force it unerground and make the situaion worse by increasing resentment. ISIS are just some people who have hijacked Islam and represent only a tiny % of Muslims.


Would you ban christianity or catholicism for when the IRA were attacking or when the Nazis were doing their worst in WW2. Its not a tipping point its a few terrorist attacks and nothing like the casualties that were happening every day in WW2.


Only the most extreme dictatorships have ever tried to ban religion. Liberal democracies normally have "freedom of religion" as one of their key principles.


And how exactly do you "ban" something which 1.2 billion people believe in?

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