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Business Owner arrested for No Muslims sign

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Maybe we should just ban all kinds of religions, it's all gobblydygook anyhow.


Look how the planet is falling apart, all due to some folk believing in some super being been better than some other super being, what a load of tosh.


Where is there ANY kind of substantiated proof of a said super being sat in the clouds watching us all go about our daily lives. Replies on the head of a pin please.



...........'''''''''' Edited by mossdog
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Maybe we should just ban all kinds of religions, it's all gobblydygook anyhow.


Look how the planet is falling apart, all due to some folk believing in some super being been better than some other super being, what a load of tosh.


Where is there ANY kind of substantiated proof of a said super being sat in the clouds watching us all go about our daily lives. Replies on the head of a pin please.




It is a load of old tosh and only a cave man would fail to see all the holes in the stories in all the books... For example God created Adam and Eve. They had two sons Cain and Able, they both married... where did the women come from?

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What she should have done is just say they were fully booked if she didnt want their custom , which she would have been perfectly within her rights to do so .


Yes exactly. Anyone can think racist, homophobic, sexist thoughts, but you cannot act upon them. I think that's fair. She decided for some reason to make an utter tit of herself by trying to go on crusade against Islam by refusing to curl their eyelashes. Boom.

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The USSR did and got away with it for 69 years,so anythings possible.


No the USSR tried to ban the Orthodox church, but it failed miserably. Interestingly during WW2, or the great patriotic war as they call it, Stalin started to loosen then reigns on the Orthodox church.

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It is a load of old tosh and only a cave man would fail to see all the holes in the stories in all the books... For example God created Adam and Eve. They had two sons Cain and Able, they both married... where did the women come from?


Laughable really,but yet 84% of the worlds population believe in a god.I suspect IQ has something to do with it as well.:hihi::hihi:

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It is a load of old tosh and only a cave man would fail to see all the holes in the stories in all the books... For example God created Adam and Eve. They had two sons Cain and Able, they both married... where did the women come from?


Allegedly, each of the brothers had a twin sister who they married. It is thought that an argument over who was going to marry a third sister led to Cain slaying Abel. Abel being the first human to die.


Not that I believe any of it.

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This has gone a bit off topic.


What do the intrepid forumers of Sheffield think about the wider implications of this? Should we be able to refuse service to people as a result of any belief? Or, should religion be treated differently to other beliefs?


Should someone be able to refuse service for, say a racist? Or should said racist be able to shop where they like as long as they don't break any laws?

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