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Hacker group 'Anonymous' declares war on Isil

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Link here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11997858/Paris-attacks-Anonymous-declares-war-on-Isil.html


Hacker collective, cyber-activists/terrorists (depending on how you view them) Anonymous have declared cyber war on ISIS/ISIL

Is this just what we need? Are they getting involved in something way over their heads? Will they be effective or ineffective at all? What say you?

Edited by RootsBooster
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Link here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11997858/Paris-attacks-Anonymous-declares-war-on-Isil.html


Hacker collective, cyber-activists/terrorists (depending on how you view them) Anonymous have declared cyber war on ISIS/ISIL

Is this just what we need? Are they getting involved in something way over their heads? Will they be effective or ineffective at all? What say you?

A very leftfield, and therefore welcome, development.


IS has enjoyed the upper hand (relatively speaking) on social media for ages, seemingly unchallenged and which the developed world seemingly still hasn't got a decent grip on, whether for reasons of lack of capacity, lack of foresight, lack of understanding (of new media and 'alternative' warfare) or simply rule of law.


Having a group of mavericks who answer to no-one running rampant within their networks (particularly WAN-connected resources and funding channels) can only be a good thing, even if only to divert their IT manpower from propaganda and intelligence tasks.


Brave thing to do as well, if any of activists were ever unmasked, whether by IS itself or by ongoing judicial efforts against Anon.


Welcome to chaotic warfare in the 21st century.

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Is there a chance it might disrupt GCHQ and MI6 picking up information?...It's possible I guess.


However, it would be disrupting (So called) IS means of propaganda and playing them at their own game...Probably by people who are far better at it than they are.

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Is there a chance it might disrupt GCHQ and MI6 picking up information?...It's possible I guess.


However, it would be disrupting (So called) IS means of propaganda and playing them at their own game...Probably by people who are far better at it than they are.


It would be good if they managed to infiltrate communications and manage to get ISIS cells to unwittingly attack one another and/or ISIS assets.

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