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The work capability assessment should be declared “unfit” to work.

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Think of how much money all these assessments and appeals cost. It would cost no more if we just let people who felt they weren't up to working just declare this, and recieve a modest income that allowed them to live a frugal lifestyle. Rather than all the threats, bullying and subterfuge that we see today.

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How long do appeals take, and are benefits withdrawn whilst the appeal is pending?


As far as i understand it if you get a decision you disagree with then you have to apply back to the DWP within 1 month and ask for a reconsideration, which they can take as long as they wnat about and may include new medical etc. It could be months. Once you have a reconsidertion and assuming you disagree, then you have another month in which to appeal for an independent tribual at HMCTS. To get a hearing date will depend on how busy they are but its months. During this time you cna ask to be kept in assessment rate which is n par with JSA.



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As far as i understand it if you get a decision you disagree with then you have to apply back to the DWP within 1 month and ask for a reconsideration, which they can take as long as they wnat about and may include new medical etc. It could be months. Once you have a reconsidertion and assuming you disagree, then you have another month in which to appeal for an independent tribual at HMCTS. To get a hearing date will depend on how busy they are but its months. During this time you cna ask to be kept in assessment rate which is n par with JSA.




So appeals take ages and benefits are withdrawn pending appeal.

If this were changed, I would have thought it would mitigate substantially the harm from bad decisions.

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Forcing other people to pay for the lazy in addition to themselves is what's "not on". Most are content to pay for the unable. Asking them to pay for the lazy as well is profoundly unfair.



I've never done this before, but I'm making a declaration of Troll. Do I hear a second?


I'll second, third and fourth it. Where do they think the money comes from?

It's not the government who's paying benefits, it's the taxpayers, so they want to take away the incentive for anyone to better themselves and provide for their families. Unbelievable. We haven't become a rich country by everyone sitting on their backsides. But then again it's become a left wing principle,'the lowest common denominator'.

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So appeals take ages and benefits are withdrawn pending appeal.

If this were changed, I would have thought it would mitigate substantially the harm from bad decisions.


You must have missed my last sentence. Whilst you are in appeal you van ask to be on an assessment rate, which is equivalent to JSA, but cna be substantially less than what you were used to.

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You must have missed my last sentence. Whilst you are in appeal you van ask to be on an assessment rate, which is equivalent to JSA, but cna be substantially less than what you were used to.


Sorry, for some reason I was assuming we were dealing with people who previously received incapacity benefit and were being re-assessed. I suppose that we're mostly talking about new claimants?


What I was suggesting was that if somebody previously recognised as not fit for work and in receipt of decent benefits got a bad decision, then they should keep said benefits until the appeals process is complete.

Edited by unbeliever
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I think the main problems are:

a) how the assessments are carried out

b) how long the appeals take


It would be interesting to see how much is costs on average per person to administer this system and if as is El Nino's point, that it might be just as cost efficient to just give the money in the first place. I doubt it, but it can't be too far off! These assessments and appeals must costs thousands.

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I think the main problems are:

a) how the assessments are carried out

b) how long the appeals take


It would be interesting to see how much is costs on average per person to administer this system and if as is El Nino's point, that it might be just as cost efficient to just give the money in the first place. I doubt it, but it can't be too far off! These assessments and appeals must costs thousands.


That sounds highly implausible.

If you want to convince anybody of that, I suspect you'll need numbers.

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Sorry, for some reason I was assuming we were dealing with people who previously received incapacity benefit and were being re-assessed. I suppose that we're mostly talking about new claimants?


It will be a mixture of both. 2008 was when ESA was introduced to consolidate some benefits including incapacity and IS, but when the coallition gained power they changed the test. the whole thing has been pretty controversial with the new test, but Also ATOS who carried out the test. they were subsequently sacked and its now a company called Maximus.


Last summer there was a backlog of 600,000-700,000 cases yet to be dealt with. there will be new claims as well.




---------- Post added 17-11-2015 at 15:27 ----------


I think the main problems are:

a) how the assessments are carried out

b) how long the appeals take


It would be interesting to see how much is costs on average per person to administer this system and if as is El Nino's point, that it might be just as cost efficient to just give the money in the first place. I doubt it, but it can't be too far off! These assessments and appeals must costs thousands.



the difference is that once an appeal is heard, then thats it, whereas a claim that goes through is going to be for however long the disability lasts.

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