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The work capability assessment should be declared “unfit” to work.

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Thank you. I'm actually in that position myself- totally capable of work (I've set up and run successful community projects and courses) but cannot deal with the beuarocracy, forms and delays that are now necessary to do so.


It's a complete waste- not only in terms of potential valuable community projects that could be running, but aren't, but, also in terms of my own mental health, which is diminishing day-by-day.


Doing the work I know I can do, and have proven I can do, is very good for keeping me away from the worst effects of the depression that I've suffered most of my life.


And all that's on offer is more endless beaurocratic farces and delays, to acquire a 'personal assistant' which, if it happened, would solve the problem- but, engaging with it is so f***ing frustrating that it's unlikely to happen.


10 years ago, it was possible to arrange work by simple communication with actual human beings- now that is impossible, without a precursor of forms and procedures which are medically known to be either very difficult, or, impossible , for autistic people to go through.


No wonder that studies have shown that high-functioning autistics are 9 times more likely than neurotypicals, to engage in serious suicidal planning. I'm certainly going to get out if things continue to decline in this way (and yes, I am receiving appropriate medical attention on that, however, in a sick twist of fate, it turns out that the mental health services are also innacessible, for much the same reasons, plus, the service is crippled and not-fit-for-purpose; as agreed with by many of the people on the front line administering it.)


This makes me very sad. :(

Is there any support you could get through the forum? There are several posters on here who run their own companies in different industries and might be worth speaking to? At least speaking to them you'd have that human contact that you say makes things easier for you and they may have more contacts for you on top of that.

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This makes me very sad. :(

Is there any support you could get through the forum? There are several posters on here who run their own companies in different industries and might be worth speaking to? At least speaking to them you'd have that human contact that you say makes things easier for you and they may have more contacts for you on top of that.


I'd happily talk to anyone who can offer to work with me to do some community projects. But, there are obviously issues due to my autism that are relevant, such as the fact that it would need to be local, as public transport is difficult for me.


But, I've got a list of work I've done in the past, including some documentation/evidence (eg end of project reports when I ran a community unicycling group for local youngsters).


I'm also up for meeting anyone who'd be interested in applying for community funding for setting up community circus skills projects- funding is generally only available for groups with a committee, not individuals.


It's very important though, that they either have a very good understanding of autism (unlikely, I've found), or, are willing to listen to me and appreciate that I most definitley have a good understanding of autism.


I cannot deal with excessive form-filling, automated phone queue systems, and several other aspects of the modern world.


But, if they can handle that, I can design a project, do the costings and, write a good summary of it, along with the relevant health/safety aspects etc. And then, on receiving funding, run the project.

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