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Calling all Muslims!

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That report stops in 2005....what's happened since then? Genuine question.. could you give all the other "religious" terror attacks..? Not having a pop..just want to see what the full picture is in your view..


I think we are very blinkered in our view of the world. I'm not different. I react with tears to the news in Paris yet hardly bat a eyelid about the deaths in the Middle East and that's my shame to live with.


There is a vast amount of Christian terror attacks in Indonesia where Christianity is oppressed. Loads of attacks by Tibetan monks in China. More attacks in Malaysia and Indonesia by Buddhist monks too. Attacks in America by Christian terrorists, that shooting of Black church goers by that kid WAS a religious based terror attack. Ander Brevik too, and so on. In the West we focus on Muslim based attacks, I don't want to say because of racism, but I think because we see Islam as an 'outsiders' religion, and we fear outsiders more than people we affiliate with.


None of these terror attacks should happen and I do find ISIS particularly concerning lately as they go above and beyond what the other terror groups seem to do. In nearly all other cases the attacks are local to where the issues are. So in Indonesia the attacks are to raise awareness of oppression in the SAME country it's happening. ISIS aren't doing that alone. They are taking on the entire world, or trying to. And they seem to be outwitting us. They want a war. They want Muslims to feel unwelcome in their home countries. They want oppression as unhappy people can be more easily led and pulled into the fold.


There just aren't any easy answers. We attack them and we suppress them for a short while, but they will keep putting out things on social media showing the civilians the West inevitably killed as collateral, milking anti-West feeling that there really is a war on Islam and around we go again with a new batch of morons. So we don't attack them at all, and perhaps the West is left a little safer (debatable) but we condemned the people living under ISIS control to a life of horror none of their own making. Refugees increase again, more anti-refugee rhetoric comes out, Muslims feel oppressed and less welcome and we've got another load of morons off to fight with ISIS.


Lose/lose. God knows what we do.

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In terms of scale? You might want to go and look up numbers of people killed by different religious groups in terror attacks. In fact I'll save you the trouble, and this has gone up massively too. 'Muslim' related terror groups were responsible for just 6% of all deaths carried out by religious based terror groups. Until this year it was 2%. Now Islam is the 2nd biggest religion in the world so you'd expect those numbers to be considerably higher.


I'll let you pick your own source so I can't be accused of linking to some unbelievable leftie rag...:



When are the 94% going to come out and say those attacks weren't in my name?


Don't get your knickers in a twist, it is most unbecoming.

Firstly, check my posting history. I have been attacked for suggesting that we are just as bad as them when it comes to violence.


With regards to the data set you provided a link to. This was over a period of 15 years and is 10 years old and was compiled from one source. It is all subjective and therefore not hugely reliable (as quite a lot of the terrorists die we can only guess at their real motive post mortum).


With regards to your question about whether the rest of us should do the same? I say yes, I have. I marched against the war and have joined other protests.

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Don't get your knickers in a twist, it is most unbecoming.

Firstly, check my posting history. I have been attacked for suggesting that we are just as bad as them when it comes to violence.


With regards to the data set you provided a link to. This was over a period of 15 years and is 10 years old and was compiled from one source. It is all subjective and therefore not hugely reliable (as quite a lot of the terrorists die we can only guess at their real motive post mortum).


With regards to your question about whether the rest of us should do the same? I say yes, I have. I marched against the war and have joined other protests.


I don't think I did provide a dataset... I linked to a google search results page to allow people to do their own research.


Here is a link though with data from 2014 for Europol. I'd say Europol was a reasonable source even if the website itself is not:


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In terms of scale? You might want to go and look up numbers of people killed by different religious groups in terror attacks. In fact I'll save you the trouble, and this has gone up massively too. 'Muslim' related terror groups were responsible for just 6% of all deaths carried out by religious based terror groups. Until this year it was 2%. Now Islam is the 2nd biggest religion in the world so you'd expect those numbers to be considerably higher.


I'll let you pick your own source so I can't be accused of linking to some unbelievable leftie rag...:



When are the 94% going to come out and say those attacks weren't in my name?

Read your own references more fully in future. Your numbers are for the period between 1980 and 2005. We'll save you the trouble of explaining your schoolgirl error.


By the way: "According to FBI data compiled by the Princeton University’s Loon Watch" Loon Watch? Seriously? That's your source that is more reliable than "some unbelievably leftie rag"? Let's have a look http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims/

Edited by Eric Arthur
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Read your own references more fully in future. Your numbers are for the period between 1980 and 2005. We'll save you the trouble of explaining your schoolgirl error.


Again, I linked to a google results search page for heavens sake! Look beyond the first highlighted entry and learn something. I specifically didn't link to report or a website so you'd not do exactly what you've done which is ignore the INFORMATION at a pop at the source. How very SF of you all.


Another one for you. Data from Europol:




The issue is that none of the mainstream broadcasters are interested in other attacks at the moment so this info is only published on dubious websites. The point is that you can get the raw data yourself and interpret if you were so inclined. Sadly I'm supposed to be working right now so can't stay here all day!


Here's you link to go digging for raw data to disprove my point:


Edited by sgtkate
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In September 2015 during the height of the refuges crisis in Europe there were 100,000 tents that housed 3 million people in Mina (Saudi Arabia) only 5km from the Holy land of Mecca.


After the 5 day Hajj season, the Saudi's dismantled them.


These tents wouldve housed 3 million desperate men, women & children who wouldnt have had to make the dangerous journey to Germany and Sweden.


Why arent the Arab countries helping their Islamic brothers & sisters?


Surely that is 'In The Name' of Islam?



Edited by AmourDesign
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In September 2015 during the height of the refuges crisis in Europe there were 100,000 tents that housed 3 million people in Mina (Saudi Arabia) only 5km from the Holy land of Mecca.


After the 5 day Hajj season, the Saudi's dismantled them.


These tents wouldve housed 3 million families who wouldnt have had to make the dangerous journey to Germany and Sweden.


Why arent the Arab countries helping their Islamic brothers & sisters?


Surely that is 'In The Name' of Islam?




Doubt you'll find a great deal of disagreement here. Also I do agree with the Tory policy of bringing in refugees from the camps nearest to Syria.

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Again, I linked to a google results search page for heavens sake! Look beyond the first highlighted entry and learn something. I specifically didn't link to report or a website so you'd not do exactly what you've done which is ignore the INFORMATION at a pop at the source. How very SF of you all.


Another one for you. Data from Europol:




The issue is that none of the mainstream broadcasters are interested in other attacks at the moment so this info is only published on dubious websites. The point is that you can get the raw data yourself and interpret if you were so inclined. Sadly I'm supposed to be working right now so can't stay here all day!


Here's you link to go digging for raw data to disprove my point:



You're analysis is bonkers. Do you mean terrorism in the EU, the world (hello ISIL) this year, last year, 1980-2005, deaths, incidents, successful, foiled?????


You need to decide what circumstances you want to use because as I said, your numbers are bonkers by any metric. As you seem to be heading towards the EU I will help you with this Wikipedia page even if it doesn't really help you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_European_Union


---------- Post added 18-11-2015 at 11:55 ----------


Summary of the last 5 years of EU terrorism from the Wikipedia page


Up to last Friday

  • Islamist terrorists 9 attacks, 171 dead , 404 injured.
  • other terrorists = 1 attack, 1 dead, 5 injured.


Would you like to explain your 2% again? I'll admit that the Wikipedia page might not be complete but you need to find another 8,500 deaths by terrorists in the EU to add to the 1 you already have.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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Read your own references more fully in future. Your numbers are for the period between 1980 and 2005. We'll save you the trouble of explaining your schoolgirl error.


By the way: "According to FBI data compiled by the Princeton University’s Loon Watch" Loon Watch? Seriously? That's your source that is more reliable than "some unbelievably leftie rag"? Let's have a look http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims/


You're the last one that should be pulling other folk up about making basic errors on here

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Have you heard of a campaign Called not in my name.

Please join if you agree that not all Muslims are murderous treacherous and merciless. The British People as a whole need to see your feelings on what is happening through out the world and not in your name. http://www.isisnotinmyname.com/


Just Highlight and Lift to the search bar. :)


My bold=

If you agree that not all Muslims are murderous, treacherous and merciless then why the hell should Muslims have to join some campaign to prove it?

Do you believe all Muslims are murderous, treacherous and merciless ?


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