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Calling all Muslims!

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My bold=

If you agree that not all Muslims are murderous, treacherous and merciless then why the hell should Muslims have to join some campaign to prove it?

Do you believe all Muslims are murderous, treacherous and merciless ?



I suppose that would depend on what happens when the backlash starts.

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Not really the same as there are no Buddhist or Christian organisations claiming to be defending all of their region against a foe by killing indiscriminately in the way we have seen in Paris a few days ago.


Some Irish and Africans may disagree with you on that.

Edited by RootsBooster
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My bold=

If you agree that not all Muslims are murderous, treacherous and merciless then why the hell should Muslims have to join some campaign to prove it?

Do you believe all Muslims are murderous, treacherous and merciless ?



It depends on if they are happy that hundreds of thousands of people are using their religion as the reason for mass kufur murder and making their life in the UK a bit of a pain in the bum.


They could always do nothing and put up with the crap. It's their call really.


It doesn't really affect me, so why should I care if they don't?

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ISIS kills Muslims as well as westerners, so by definition it isn't done in their name . I have an uneasy feeling this seems almost an apology for something they are not guilty of, thrust upon them by the likes of our very own rabid right Penny, with..."has anybody heard of Muslims apologizing? I haven't".


"Calling all Muslims" comes across as a tad sanctimonious IMO.


---------- Post added 18-11-2015 at 13:16 ----------


I suppose that would depend on what happens when the backlash starts.



What "backlash"?

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My bold=

If you agree that not all Muslims are murderous, treacherous and merciless then why the hell should Muslims have to join some campaign to prove it?

Do you believe all Muslims are murderous, treacherous and merciless ?


Only in business my friend good and bad in all religions Isis are bad news whatever religeon they claim to represent !

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Neither of which are the same as what we have seen over recent days.


Ireland has calmed down somewhat, much of what goes on in Africa tends to sail underneath the western media radar (too busy with the Kardashians and Beckhams I guess) - both Muslim and Christian terrorism.


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Ireland has calmed down somewhat, much of what goes on in Africa tends to sail underneath the western media radar (too busy with the Kardashians and Beckhams I guess) - both Muslim and Christian terrorism.



Again not the same I would say. Africa has always had internal conflict, the fact its now between specific groups is secondary to the cause. The same goes for Ireland. The violence there may have been generally between Catholic and Protestant, but if you go back in history you will see why these lines were drawn. Its nothing to do with religion, you wont generally see a Catholic Priest spouting hatred towards protestants or visa-versa. The line in Ireland goes back to the time of when Ireland was part of the UK and we exported a number of people to Ireland to help change the demographics in favour of continued membership of the United Kingdom. These being English were Protestant compared to the indigenous Catholic population. Generally these people stayed in the north of Ireland so that's why we have the Unionists vs the Republics north of the boarder and why the southern states voted to leave the UK. That is the divide, not religion.


Anyway, less of this, I'm missing Keeping up with the Beckhams.

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