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Parents to pay £50 towards school running costs.

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Parents have been asked to 'contribute' £50 each towards the running costs of a state school in Yorkshire.

It claims that government cuts and rising costs have meant the books will no longer balance without parents dipping into their own pockets.


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"Voluntary parental contributions" Don't most schools do this? I know my mum used to pay a certain amount per month to both my primary and secondary (state) schools. On top of that parents were asked to provide text books for their own children where possible.


I should point out that a good deal of my education was under a Labour government.

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The school should work within their budget . It's a disgrace they are sending out letters to parents asking for money .


How does a flat budget take into account of rising costs? So maybe last year they were within their budget, but this year they've got a choice to either lower their service or ask of a contribution.


I'm guess that the grammar school thinks that the parents of their children would rather maintain standards, and pay a contribution than stay within their budget and lower standards.

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They may be running the school prudently and are now squeezed by cuts, or they may be running the school lavishly kitting it out with Macbooks and loads of subsidised holidays.


There isn't enough in the article to draw a sensible conclusion either way, but I'm sure that won't stop the usual suspects.

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