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Junior Doctors row: 98% vote to strike

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The fact that he isn't very good at his job may be a contributing factor


Lets face it, he wasn't a very good Culture Secretary so to expect him to know how the NHS works is way beyond his ability. Plus he thinks homeopathy works.


Maybe that's how he sees the NHS, dilute it so much until there's only one nurse and everybody will be miraculously cured.

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We can afford to waste millions of pounds billions of pounds on Trident and we can afford to spend hundreds of millions every year on overseas aid , and we cant can afford to employ more doctors so existing ones don't have to work 70 hrs a week . but the government chooses not to.


Me thinks we have our priorities wrong .


There you go mate, I've corrected it for you.


The money is there, the govt chooses how to spend it.


---------- Post added 19-11-2015 at 21:51 ----------


I think that Hunt is a henchman for the Tory ideological changes that they want to impose on the NHS. He must know his time in charge of it is limited, so he'll do the dirty work and then bow out and let some else smooth over the cracks.


And I thought Andrew Lansley was a disaster

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We can afford to waste millions of pounds EVERY DAY on membership of the EU circus and we can afford to waste hundreds of millions every year on overseas aid , but we cant afford to employ more doctors so existing ones dont have to work 70 hrs a week .


Me thinks we have our priorities wrong .


Dont forget that they are now getting an "air force one" for camloon and his cronies at a cost of 10 million plus so that they dont have to fly with the oicks anymore

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It's so they don't have to charter planes anymore... They never flew with oiks.


Well, thats OK then. Im SURE that that is a great deal of comfort to those affected by the cuts from a government who claims to not have any money.


Even making savings of .75 mill a year it still wont have paid for itself before it needs another refit. And that of course does not take into account its running costs.


I thought the great government mantra was to outsource to private companies? Unless of course it affects them

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This is a clear mandate by all accounts. Often on here I get wound up by people striking at the top of a hat (tube drivers and bus drivers are the usual suspects). However this is a genuine grievance that needs resolving so I fully support this one. It even fits with the tories new rules that makes unions and striking more democratic which I also support.


Same here. This is a good turnout and good on them for making the effort.

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