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Junior Doctors row: 98% vote to strike

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It aint. After this there is no way that nurses will hold on to their unsocial pay for Saturdays and up to 10pm. They'll be next.


Oh believe me - nurses are very aware of this.

This is likely to be the reason why many senior and highly experienced nurses are voting with their feet. Either taking early retirement or moving on to pastures new. I am old enough to retire and have a good NHS pension waiting for me when I feel like going. After almost 40 years of nursing experience I am very nearly demoralised enough by this Tory government to throw in the towel.

I seriously fear for the future of the NHS

Edited by Daven
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I was walking down past Weston Park yesterday and decided to stop and have a quick chat with some of the Dr's on strike to kind of hear from the horses mouth what this whole industrial action as about.


I came away with the conclusion that it all comes down to what's in their pay packet and was surprised that not once was patient safety ever mentioned.

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I was walking down past Weston Park yesterday and decided to stop and have a quick chat with some of the Dr's on strike to kind of hear from the horses mouth what this whole industrial action as about.


I came away with the conclusion that it all comes down to what's in their pay packet and was surprised that not once was patient safety ever mentioned.


It is a big deal for anyone to have to face a pay cut.

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It is a big deal for anyone to have to face a pay cut.


Of course it it, but turn on the TV or open a newspaper and one could be lead to believe their grievances are more to do with patient safety rather than just pay and conditions. I was just a little surprised that patient safety never got mentioned, what I heard yesterday the main sticking point was money and not tired doctors make mistakes, which you see banded about on placards quite a bit.

Edited by WageSlave
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Of course it it, but turn on the TV or open a newspaper and one could be lead to believe their grievances are more to do with patient safety rather than just pay and conditions. I was just a little surprised that patient safety never got mentioned, what I heard yesterday the main sticking point was money and not tired doctors make mistakes, which you see banded about on placards quite a bit.


Right so you've derived the attitude of the entire medical profession from a few minutes of chat.



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Of course it it, but turn on the TV or open a newspaper and one could be lead to believe their grievances are more to do with patient safety rather than just pay and conditions. I was just a little surprised that patient safety never got mentioned, what I heard yesterday the main sticking point was money and not tired doctors make mistakes, which you see banded about on placards quite a bit.


So are you're suggesting that the junior doctors are quite relaxed about the mistakes that follow from working long hours?

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Junior doctors are in privileged position.

They are better off then most of same age.

Good pay, job security to name a few.

They will get even more money per hour with new contract.

They are not protesting for patients.

They are protesting because new contracts impose new obligations on them.

They will be expected to provide services 24/7/365.

Not 24/7 each of them. 24/7/365 like other vital services. National Grid engineers are doing it, it's not that hard. Firemen do it. It's part of that job.

They will not get paid premium bonus for doing it and it seems that what its all about.

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Not in the slightest. Reducing the absolute limit on hours they can work, now that can only be a good thing.


Until you look at the proposal in more details. Removing the mechanism that automatically fined hospitals for making junior doctors working too many hours, cannot be a good thing.

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