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Who should all those motorcycle safety signs be aimed at ?

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Just focusing on the filtering issue. It is not illegal to filter even through slowly moving traffic. Case law dictates that if there is an accident, even if it is the car drivers fault, it will be deemed 50/50 blame.


That sounds very unlikely- have you got a link to said law so I can have a look at it?

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To bring this back to the OP's original post, as opposed to yet another anti-cycling rant.

If the bike was doing 30MPH, then I would argue that they were filtering at excessive speed, though I would take issue that it would be their own fault if they got squashed.

One of the better series of documents on motorcycling stuff is produced by Hugger.


THEY ARE HERE the 4th one down is the one related to filtering; and yes it's legal, but common sense decrees that it should be done safely.


It makes informative reading for both motorcyclists and drivers. I would argue that cyclists could learn a thing or two as well.

Edited by peak4
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To the OP:


Was the biker turning left? If so, even if you had decided to turn there would have been contingency. If not then I agree, to be filtering on the inside across a junction is dangerous.


With regards to the cycle lane - if they have a dotted line they can be entered by other vehicles "if necessary" - the ones with solid lines should never be encroached. The lane in question has a broken line, so again, if turning left within the speed limit it could be deemed necessary for the motorcycle to use this space to get passed cars tailing back from the lights.


Have a look here http://think.direct.gov.uk/motorcycles.html;


"Motorcyclists might pass you on either side. Double-check for motorcyclists, whether you're turning left or right."


All in all I cannot see fault in the motorcyclists manoeuvre (assuming they were turning left), though doing so at the speed limit does sound like it would have increased their own risk of exposure to an accident caused by another road user.


Yes I am a biker. Yes I use that road. Yes I would have potentially made that manoeuvre if turning left (remember that the road at this point has only just stopped being a bus lane so you would have already have had to merge into traffic from your left, though most car drivers seem to not consider this at all), but without seeing the footage to assess the full picture (road position of you, the way you had been driving approaching the junction, weather conditions, traffic on the side road etc) I could not say.

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