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Mali gunman attacks..

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I call it selective humanity, I noticed no one had the Russian flag up or asked that we prayfor Russia when over 250 innocent people got blown up in the sky just recently by Isis.


What would you call it when Turkish football fans boo through a minute silence to respect the 129 dead in Paris?

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Problem is, a lot of these fighters are in it cos they experienced, for example, being at a funeral party where they saw uncles/brothers/sisters blown apart by western missiles because intelligence indicated the presence of high-ranking terrorists.


From the Wests perspective, of course, the innocents also killed in the attack were necessary and justified, as it's acceptable if innocent people die, because otherwise many more innocents in the west would die when the terrorists launch their attacks (in the event the funeral wasn't bombed).


But, the children who experienced this and grew up to be fighters, only know that they lost uncles/brothers/sisters, and it's that kind of thing that leads to real hatred in peoples hearts.


Really? They've all lost somebody? Even the westerners who have turned up in their thousands? I think there's a very large chunk of the ISIS membership who just like killing people, including Muslims.

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Really? They've all lost somebody? Even the westerners who have turned up in their thousands? I think there's a very large chunk of the ISIS membership who just like killing people, including Muslims.


Probably not all of them have lost family. But I reckon most of them will have lost family members- it's a culture with big extended families that tend to stay in touch regardless of which countries they are split amongst.

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Probably not all of them have lost family. But I reckon most of them will have lost family members- it's a culture with big extended families that tend to stay in touch regardless of which countries they are split amongst.


That's a big reach you (and many others) have made. I can see how it will swell numbers a bit but let's be honest ISIS were killing and raping their way through Syria and Iraq before we did a thing, as were their Taliban brethren before them in Afghanistan before their house mate bin laden opened up a huge can of worms in 2001.

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Is that the same Russia that is blaming the West for creating IS?

Maybe you should go on RT news website(choose any page),and read the comments below and you will soon see what a lot of Russians think about us.

"selective humanity" and "Russia" in the same paragraph :hihi:.

I wonder how many minute silences took place in Russia when MH17 was shot down by a Russian missile?


That is just what I was thinking about Russia.

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I remember taking part in a Europe wide 3 minutes silence in respect of the people killed in the Indonesian Tsunami.So I am quite sure that we do not disregard the tragedies that happen in the rest of the world.There are so many terrorist acts going on around the world that it is sadly starting to become the norm.If Russia had asked Europe for a minutes silence in respect of the victims of the airline disaster or Turkey had asked for a minutes silence in respect of the murder of the people of the Turkish attacks I would have observed it.I was in a shop when we had a minutes silence for the Paris attack victims and unfortunately the only person not observing it was an Asian gentlemen which led to him getting a few comments after.He may have not realised but he could have been doing it on purpose,i don't know.

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