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Undercover relationships

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True, we don't know the full facts. We don't know if there was pressure placed on the undercover officers to form sexual relationships with those that they were spying on.

But Scotland Yard are clear that the women were deceived, and other officers "could" face prosecution.


There may be no room for 'moralising' in the police force, but there is room for integrity. I would rather have a police service that behaved with integrity, than one that bends the rules to get what ever conclusion they want.


There are just too many gross incidents constantly seeping out about the police, including Hillsborough, to Rotherham, to deaths in custody, and taking backhanders from scuzzy tabloid reporters for information. And no-one has any confidence in the IPCC.


The police force like politicians reflect the society we all live in

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Apart from the extraordinary psychological damage done to these women, who after all, were mainly fairly harmless environmentalists (climate change is now considered to be one of the biggest threats), rather than members of ISIS. The damage done to the offspring of such relationships is incalculable. It is inexcusable for the state to allow an operative to father a child in the hope of obtaining information.

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Interesting that all the people conned were women. I wonder whether any men have been unknowingly lured into relationships with female police spies?


No? Wonder why.


A woman would not volunteer to enter into a relationship or sleep with a man she has no sexual interest, whereby a man...


Besides it would almost be like a form of prostitution or rape for a woman to be forced to enter into such a relationship.

Edited by poppet2
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