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Is it illegal for a British citizen living in uk to support ISIS?

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Freedom of thought isn't all its cracked up to be. We can't have 60 million people having their own opinions on stuff. Most people aren't that smart


How do you control freedom of thought. ...and what is freedom of thought? What is it that thought is not cracked up to be.

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Glorifying jihadis and promoting extreme Isis ideology both online and directly.


Yes, that's illegal. It's a bit like being a racist. You can think racist thoughts all day long if you want, but the moment you do anything racist that's illegal. So someone can support ISIS in their head and think they are a jolly good lot and so on, but the moment they give them money or spout hate speech in support of them then they have broken the law.


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 10:12 ----------


Freedom of thought isn't all its cracked up to be. We can't have 60 million people having their own opinions on stuff. Most people aren't that smart


:hihi: lovely.

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Yes, that's illegal. It's a bit like being a racist. You can think racist thoughts all day long if you want, but the moment you do anything racist that's illegal. So someone can support ISIS in their head and think they are a jolly good lot and so on, but the moment they give them money or spout hate speech in support of them then they have broken the law.


Doing racist things is mostly not illegal, not in a private context anyway, unless it involves violence or abuse.

For example, people can privately tell racist jokes, avoid people of a certain race, have prejudice against those people, etc... No crime committed.

They can even make openly racist statements, so long as they don't incite hatred or violence.


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 11:58 ----------


any sort of support wether it be actual or implied, not much can be done about thought though, but as soon as it manifests itself then it should be acted on.


It's not a crime to believe that ISIS are doing something good or that they are correct. It's not even a crime to say so (although you might lose a lot of friends).

It's a crime to recruit for them, to send them money or material aid and so on.

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How do you control freedom of thought. ...and what is freedom of thought? What is it that thought is not cracked up to be.


You could trolling freedom of thought by co trolling the media and forcing your population to view the world through your narrative. Our society is doing it well at the moment. You have to be very intelligent to see it. A bit like the emperors new clothes, but it actually happens.


Still way above your level though.


How could you possibly judge my intelligence level based on so little information? It is a silly think to say.

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How could you possibly judge my intelligence level based on so little information?


It really only needed the following statement.


Freedom of thought isn't all its cracked up to be. We can't have 60 million people having their own opinions on stuff. Most people aren't that smart
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You could trolling freedom of thought by co trolling the media and forcing your population to view the world through your narrative. Our society is doing it well at the moment. You have to be very intelligent to see it. A bit like the emperors new clothes, but it actually happens.


So who controls our media?

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I am not an expert on law by any stretch of the imagination but would think that the answer to my question is yes. Anyone know for sure?


Ill let you know. I just sent a bank transfer to a relative and as a joke I put the reference as Al Qaeda / ISIS. If I don't get raided ill let you know but if you don't hear from me again then you can assume I have been shipped off the Gitmo

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