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Question for Ladies about Martial Arts

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I'm not so sure it's really all that similar, although to be fair i've never done contact dance.

The difference in my head would be the competitive nature, it's not working together in groundwork, it's 1 person attempting to restrain/hurt the other.


I'm a sort of average size, so I outweigh your average girl by around 4 stone. Just getting stuck in would involve me turning you over and pinning you, locking an arm or strangling you within a very short period of time (much the same happens to me at the BJJ club :| ).

I can't see how many girls would find that a pleasant introduction to groundwork.


As for the grappling question...the same 'sweaty men rolling around on top of you' issue happens in contact dance work and looooooads of women do dance!! I think if someone is interested in something it wont bother them. If you are a bloke my advice for encouraging women to try grappling would be to just go for it, give them a real taste of what its all about and act like you would with a guy. We dont like to feel we're being treated differently, if a guy is hesitating and looks awkward about touching you it makes you feel uncomfortable, whereas if they just plunge straight in its cool.... Plus, it would help if you know there's shower facilities for after, you know, to wash that sweaty guy outta your hair, so to speak...Lol.
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I'm not so sure it's really all that similar, although to be fair i've never done contact dance.

The difference in my head would be the competitive nature, it's not working together in groundwork, it's 1 person attempting to restrain/hurt the other.


I'm a sort of average size, so I outweigh your average girl by around 4 stone. Just getting stuck in would involve me turning you over and pinning you, locking an arm or strangling you within a very short period of time (much the same happens to me at the BJJ club :| ).

I can't see how many girls would find that a pleasant introduction to groundwork.



Fair point. :-) Contact dance is about finding balance and equilibrium.... you work with not against your partner....still get sweaty guys though...Lol. I'm 7 and a half stone so you probably would outweigh me most peopole do and i cant say i'd love what you described happening to me straight off in the same way i cant imagine a guy would. What i meant was, if you hold back teaching girls the techniques you might make them feel like they should feel uncomfortable about it? Course you should start slowly though, the same way you would with a bloke.... Anyway, your a really experienced instructor so its hardly like i need to tell you!! Just answering the thread.... ;-)

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As for the grappling question...the same 'sweaty men rolling around on top of you' issue happens in contact dance work and looooooads of women do dance!! I think if someone is interested in something it wont bother them. If you are a bloke my advice for encouraging women to try grappling would be to just go for it, give them a real taste of what its all about and act like you would with a guy. We dont like to feel we're being treated differently, if a guy is hesitating and looks awkward about touching you it makes you feel uncomfortable, whereas if they just plunge straight in its cool.... Plus, it would help if you know there's shower facilities for after, you know, to wash that sweaty guy outta your hair, so to speak...Lol.


just been skimming over the post and thats sounds BAD cat :hihi: lol


it is hard for a M to do ground fight with a F,

they will Always feel a little uncomfortable its nature.

I know I do,

I don’t think its just doing things on the ground that will make you feel the same way mind.

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just been skimming over the post and thats sounds BAD cat :hihi: lol


it is hard for a M to do ground fight with a F,

they will Always feel a little uncomfortable its nature.

I know I do,

I don’t think its just doing things on the ground that will make you feel the same way mind.


Lol. Look, it came out all wrong....I just meant that from a female point of view the less weirdness or fuss there is surrounding getting on with it the better...Lol.

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I don't feel odd about it all, but then i've trained for 10 or 11 years now in an art that includes grappling.


I wouldn't not teach the ground techniques to women, i'd just not ask them to fight the male students until they were comfortable with it.


I regularly ground fight my partner. It's not very fair, I outweigh her by over 50%, and I always win, mostly just by being bigger, but she can still learn something every time.


My cross training in BJJ is good for humility though, I get tied up in knots and then sat on.

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I was quite scared when I first started, but when you start training and working hard you forget about how silly you feel and just want to concentrate on getting things right.

I don't dislike any of it. I suppose with clinch work you can feel a bit self-concious, espec if your partner is a bloke, but it doesn't bother me anymore cos you're just concentrating on getting your arms through theirs.

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