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Turko-Russian powder-keg

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A few years ago the Syrians shot down two Turkish jets that had briefly strayed into Syrian airspace. Turkey was outraged.


So they shouldn't be surprised that the Russians are angry now. If that anger will take a concrete form we'll have to see.


Turkey have been tacitly supporting ISIS for a while and Cameron should be under no doubt that people in general are not busting a gut to defend the Turks.

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A few years ago the Syrians shot down two Turkish jets that had briefly strayed into Syrian airspace. Turkey was outraged.


So they shouldn't be surprised that the Russians are angry now. If that anger will take a concrete form we'll have to see.


Turkey have been tacitly supporting ISIS for a while and Cameron should be under no doubt that people in general are not busting a gut to defend the Turks.


According to the Turks, there were two Russian jets that were repeatably warned they where about to stray into Turkish airspace. One turned back while the other continued over Turkey. Two Turkish fighter jets on patrol intercepted the jet and shot it down.

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A few years ago the Syrians shot down two Turkish jets that had briefly strayed into Syrian airspace. Turkey was outraged.


So they shouldn't be surprised that the Russians are angry now. If that anger will take a concrete form we'll have to see.


Turkey have been tacitly supporting ISIS for a while and Cameron should be under no doubt that people in general are not busting a gut to defend the Turks.


They arent surprised though. Whats your point?

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The US now say Turkey downed the jet in Syrian airspace. I assume that if true this will be a relief to NATO as they will not be forced to support a member states aggression outside of their boarders.


Some say Turkey only got involved because Russia bombed oil tankers destined for Turkey.


I'm suspicious of both parties in this, but I'm a little more supportive of Russia than Turkey.

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The US now say Turkey downed the jet in Syrian airspace. I assume that if true this will be a relief to NATO as they will not be forced to support a member states aggression outside of their boarders.


Some say Turkey only got involved because Russia bombed oil tankers destined for Turkey.


I'm suspicious of both parties in this, but I'm a little more supportive of Russia than Turkey.


This is incredibly significant, it means that Russia can (and will) carry out sanctions on Turkey without the risk of it turning into a NATO affair. Of course they still won't bomb Turkey, but they will make life difficult. Turkey really overplayed it's hand (based on the information that is slowly seeping out).

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Turkey really overplayed it's hand (based on the information that is slowly seeping out).
That was my reading of it yesterday...before I thought about it some more, and belatedly factored in the leverage which millions of Syrian refugees in Turkish camps still gives Erdogan upon the EU regardless, in the context of the EU<>Russia relations that are still strongly influenced by Crimea, Ukraine and the Baltic EU states.


This is going to get trickier yet, whichever way the issue goes.

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I doubt the GC applies 'technically', since there's no war between Syria (of which the Turkmen are natives) and Russia and the Turkmen are, in context, armed anti-government opponents/rebels/terrorists/<etc.>, to the same extent as e.g. IS combatants.


So, it's not a war crime as such. It's "just" murder.

FWIW I'm hoping Putin just uses his trademark sledgehammer to flatten them all, along with IS and anyone else in the area, with a few daisycutters, and takes the opportunity to down any Turkish F16s that happen to stray into Syrian airspace for a few seconds.


I mean, speaking of hypocrisy, let's wind back the clock a few years:


I saw that,and I'm pretty sure Erdoğan is fully aware how hypocritical his 2 conflicting statements are.

And my bold...I think thats what exactly what Putin will do,and I find it very hard to believe that Turkey had zero foresight when it came to downing that jet.(anyone that trigger happy shouldn't be in control over such powerful weapons).

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According to Turkey, Russia has been constantly violating their airspace and in spite of repeated warnings that action will be takin if they continue.



Yes I bet they got a lot of warnings in during the 17 second period this allegedly happened. And it would appear that there is one rule for Turkey and another for Russia given this article - http://www.infowars.com/turkey-in-2012-short-term-border-violation-can-never-be-a-pretext-for-an-attack/

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