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Turko-Russian powder-keg

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Well, we might get to see the extent of that preempting soon: as of today, Russia has just closed ties with the YPG (Kurds) and put whites on SU34s' rails. The S400 SAM was turned on yesterday or the day before.


Erdogan is basically checked (I won't go so far as to call it a mate yet) out of northern Syria. After losing 4m annual tourists. That's going to be quite a geopolitical bill for the 'point' he tried to make with that AIM9 a/a missile.


"Interesting times" (within the meaning of the ancient Chinese curse) for the US, Israel, France and the UK, for sure.


Some more oil poured onto the fire by Putin this morning.


There are also emerging reports that Erdogan's son is in this IS oil business up to his neck, and that Erdogan's daughter is involved with the (long-rumoured) secret Turkish military hospitals treating IS casualties. That link/source is not unique, tons on Liveleak about this since late yesterday, makes me think the FSB is deliberately releasing damaging intel or intox. May well all be tinfoil hat stuff, until more and better evidence emerges. But if true, it would certainly go some way towards explaining Turkey's game (which is increasingly looking like the Pakistani ISI's double-dealing with AQ/Bin Laden back in the day).

Edited by L00b
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Well, we might get to see the extent of that preempting soon: as of today, Russia has just closed ties with the YPG (Kurds) and put whites on SU34s' rails. The S400 SAM was turned on yesterday or the day before.


Erdogan is basically checked (I won't go so far as to call it a mate yet) out of northern Syria. After losing 4m annual tourists. That's going to be quite a geopolitical bill for the 'point' he tried to make with that AIM9 a/a missile.


"Interesting times" (within the meaning of the ancient Chinese curse) for the US, Israel, France and the UK, for sure.


Some more oil poured onto the fire by Putin this morning.


There are also emerging reports that Erdogan's son is in this IS oil business up to his neck, and that Erdogan's daughter is involved with the (long-rumoured) secret Turkish military hospitals treating IS casualties. That link/source is not unique, tons on Liveleak about this since late yesterday, makes me think the FSB is deliberately releasing damaging intel or intox. May well all be tinfoil hat stuff, until more and better evidence emerges. But if true, it would certainly go some way towards explaining Turkey's game (which is increasingly looking like the Pakistani ISI's double-dealing with AQ/Bin Laden back in the day).


There similar reports last week either Thursday or Friday on RT but with it being on RT I did not take too much notice of it as it was linking him to the Turkman rebels as well, but the first casualty of any war is always the truth

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Erdogans son and daughter are involved with Isis, like I said before Turkey supports terrorists = http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/11/30/vt-was-right-bilal-and-sumeyye-erdogan-son-and-daughter-of-president-erdogan-are-isis-gangs/


I can't understand why. Isis would take swathes of turkey given half a chance and are doing their best to wipe out Turkmen in Syria (which we're led to believe is one of the reasons why they shot down a Russian plane).

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I can't understand why. Isis would take swathes of turkey given half a chance and are doing their best to wipe out Turkmen in Syria (which we're led to believe is one of the reasons why they shot down a Russian plane).


Tinfoil its worth reading the article to look at their evidence and then do some research on the newsite.

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I can't understand why.
How long has Turkey tried to gain EU membership?


How fast is visa-free entry into the EU and €bns in EU aid now being offered on a plate no questions asked, hand in hand with fast-track EU accession, in "payment" (bakshish in local parlance, I believe ;)) to stem the flow of refugees?


Connect the dots. And don't forget to follow the money, either.


The EU and the 'West' are being played. Without even the decency of a bit of lube.

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How long has Turkey tried to gain EU membership?


How fast is visa-free entry into the EU and €bns in EU aid now being offered on a plate no questions asked, hand in hand with fast-track EU accession, in "payment" (bakshish in local parlance, I believe ;)) to stem the flow of refugees?


Connect the dots. And don't forget to follow the money, either.


The EU and the 'West' are being played. Without even the decency of a bit of lube.


But they are also playing Turkey by keeping migrants there. thats 2.1m refugees that could easily be crossing over. The alternative is if you dont wnat them as an ally you get them as an enemy. The plane incident is short term.


---------- Post added 01-12-2015 at 21:35 ----------


Turkey is double dealing, is a guardian news site more believable for you= http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/turkey-duped-the-us-and-isis-reaps-rewards-10478720.html


Yes I prefer it to a website which supports 9/11 as a conspiracy.


Your argument was about oil and allegations.


This one is about the PKK. Time will tell if its true and they really have duped the Americans in certain regards, but they were desperate to use Incerlik. As ive said before I'd like it if the Kurds managed to get an independent homeland, but its unlikely to happen because there will be further war from the countries who they are currently part of.


You point out that most of the attacks are against the Kurds, but thats not much different than the Russians putting in eve greater attacks against the non isis anti Assad opposition forces that the US supports.


Why would you care Mafya you obviously dont like anyone else except Assad and Russia.

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But they are also playing Turkey by keeping migrants there. thats 2.1m refugees that could easily be crossing over. The alternative is if you dont wnat them as an ally you get them as an enemy. The plane incident is short term.
Opening bit of your post doesn't compute with me I'm afraid: indeed those 2.1m are Erdogan's leverage over the EU, not the other way around. So we're deffo not playing Turkey here, we've given in to Erdogan's blackmail more like.


The plane incident is a bit of Realpolitik, possibly intended by Erdogan to 'test' his NATO allies. But Erdogan should have remembered that, love him or loathe him, Putin has been giving masterclasses in Realpolitik for a long time now, and outplayed every comer so far. Methinks that's gonna cost Erdogan far more than he thought.

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Opening bit of your post doesn't compute with me I'm afraid: indeed those 2.1m are Erdogan's leverage over the EU, not the other way around. So we're deffo not playing Turkey here, we've given in to Erdogan's blackmail more like.


Its 2 sides of the same coin. Its the same with Africa. If the EU chooses to pay nothing then the natural flow of things is that economic migrants and refugess will move and the people on the borders will have no reason to stop them. £2.2 billion £s is peanuts for the EU compared with the associated costs of them arriving.


Its a negotiated settlement.

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