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Am I right to be annoyed/concerned..

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Perhaps George Osborne has registered on SF to spread woe about the disabled; this tale comes with very few facts.



Absolute nonsense , the OP has told the Sheffield Forum about an incident they have witnessed and is not spreading woe about the disabled .

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Absolute nonsense , the OP has told the Sheffield Forum about an incident they have witnessed and is not spreading woe about the disabled .


The OP would need to know the car driver well, they dont come with stickers saying that the state is paying for this car.

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I always wonder how people know about their neighbours finances......


My neighbours say hello but never tell me if they get benefits :confused:


Mobility cars are leased, for three years, the three years that warranty covers so any repairs should be covered there.


Any damage done that isn't paid for by insurance (excess applies to each claim) should be paid for by the customer, not sure why they are fixing it free.


Unless she is Bruce Banner the doors shouldn't break by slamming, maybe it's a manufacturing fault, hence the free repairs?


She will have to give up part of her child's disability payment (£50+ per week as far as I know) to lease the car too so in theory she could just finance a car and trash it.


I know exactly the feeling you mean though, it's just age :hihi:


The youth don't know they are born my first car was a manual choke fiat that hated the heat.

Starting that chuff after it had been parked in the sun was akin to a mating ritual.

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Mobility cars are leased, for three years, the three years that warranty covers so any repairs should be covered there.


Warranty repairs only cover defects in the car, if you've slammed it up a kerb too many times and ruined the suspension it's not going to be covered.


Likewise if you've driven into a pole or something similar the manufacturer are going to tell you where to go.

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I suggest that the OP finds something else to do other than watching his neighbours. Being angry, resentful or envious of neighbours is not going to lead to the greater happiness of any party. Also, it is possible that the neighbour suffers from some mild disability such as dyxpraxia which can affect motor coordination. I think you should leave her alone.

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I suggest that the OP finds something else to do other than watching his neighbours. Being angry, resentful or envious of neighbours is not going to lead to the greater happiness of any party. Also, it is possible that the neighbour suffers from some mild disability such as dyxpraxia which can affect motor coordination. I think you should leave her alone.


I have a job that allows me to work from home often. My home office faces out front so I notice doors been slammed etc.

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