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Please sign this petition:Petition closed: Gov discussing:

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I'm a second year mental health nurse. The majority of nurses on my course are mature students with families. Our degree is full time, we study or work on placement for 47 weeks of the year. When on placement we work a 40 hour week whilst writing essays and holding down part time jobs to fund our studies. Without the NHS bursary myself and many of my colleagues would be unable to manage financially.



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Unfortunately they're limiting recruitment of nurses and because there are more people applying for nursing courses than the Government will allow the NHS to recruit the Government have decided that you are fair game in the latest game of 'Who Can We Screw Over This Time?'


The Government have had to cough up half of their election pledge to the NHS a few years early to prevent the embarrassment of the NHS collapsing during the winter and they are making student nurses pay for it along with existing NHS staff who are having their training funding cut again, more cuts to Public Health and more cuts to hospital inspections (presumably so the public can't see the consequences of less training, not having enough nurses and the reduction in public health prevention campaigns).


And the sad truth is even if you succeed in getting Parliamentary time to debate this, some Tory MP will just filibuster the debate until that time has run out because that's what they do now.

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And the sad truth is even if you succeed in getting Parliamentary time to debate this, some Tory MP will just filibuster the debate until that time has run out because that's what they do now.


That would probably be either Phillip Davies or Christopher Chope. Both notorious fillibusterers. Its about time it was clamped down on.

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