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Please sign this petition:Petition closed: Gov discussing:

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There's a slight difference between somebody studying for a nursing degree and somebody studying for another degree isn't there. The person doing a nursing degree is actually working at the same time. The unpaid work is sort of paying for the tuition fees. Making them pay tuition fees is like making them work for nothing.


Besides, we have a shortage of nurses evidenced by the fact that we have to employ foreign nurses. Closing the door to training for our own willing young people who want to be a nurse, whilst opening the door to adults from abroad, seems like crazy planning.


So signed.

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Besides, we have a shortage of nurses evidenced by the fact that we have to employ foreign nurses. Closing the door to training for our own willing young people who want to be a nurse, whilst opening the door to adults from abroad, seems like crazy planning.


So signed.


As I understand it, they employ people that live in the UK, which includes many foreign born people.

I believe that there are more doctors and cleaning staff, that are foreign born.

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As I understand it, they employ people that live in the UK, which includes many foreign born people.

I believe that there are more doctors and cleaning staff, that are foreign born.


This is not just foreign born UK residents who become nurses, this is foreign born nurses who come to the UK.


I have family/friends who are nurses, and they complain that many have come to the UK specifically to work for the NHS and many struggle with the language.


The NHS is specifically targeting the EU for staff for recruitment to fill the gap due to our own woeful training.


It might be cheaper in the short term for the NHS financial budget to do this, but much more expensive in the long term for the UK societal budget.

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89,415 - nearly there !


---------- Post added 26-11-2015 at 18:55 ----------


Signed. We have a massive lack of nurses as it is, and the nurses WORK throughout their degrees...


They do - shifts including nights and weekends and STILL have to study and produce assignments whilst working. 4,600 hours out on the wards in the three years of training as well as all the academic work.

It's a difficult course - academically, physically and emotionally. Student nurses learn on the job and - my God - do they experience life from the labour room to the very end of life !

Three years of intense academia and practical work out on the wards and in the community............ and the Government want to take away their bursaries !:rant: The Tories should hang their heads in shame. Cameron - you are a disgrace.


---------- Post added 26-11-2015 at 19:04 ----------


89,925 ........... !

Edited by Daven
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